Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide / Things to do in Malta

Why Malta is a Great Solo Travel Destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Malta is a great solo travel destination, especially if you are just starting and want to dip your toes into the world of solo travel. What’s more, travelling in Malta solo and on a budget is totally possible. Here is how.

Many first-time solo travellers choose Europe as one of their first destinations. And it’s completely understandable. Together with its great history and beautiful nature, Europe is also pretty safe for first-time solo travellers. Malta, amongst a few other European countries, is one of the safest. But apart from safety, there are many more reasons why Malta is a great solo travel destination. And travelling solo in Malta on a budget is totally possible.

In this post, I will not only give you all the reasons why you should take your next solo trip to Malta. I will also give you a comprehensive seven-day itinerary with multiple swap options.

I will include some tips on how to stay within the budget during your trip to Malta. Travelling solo and on a budget in Malta is not only possible but also very much fun.

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

After living in Malta for over two years, I can share with you all my tips on how to make the best out of your stay and hopefully, you will enjoy it as much as I did.

For a comprehensive list of all the great things to do in Malta visit this post!

Why Malta is a Great Solo Travel Destination?

Malta Is Beautiful

First things first –  Malta is absolutely beautiful.

Packed with amazing architecture and a stunning coastline and with history, whispering to you from each corner, Malta offers an abundance of activities and sightseeing experiences.  You will find yourself amazed at how much this little island has to offer.

Whatever type of traveller you are – you will definitely find something for yourself. From prehistoric temples,  Mdina the silent city, one of the Game of Thrones filming locations all the way to the most spectacular beaches and cliff sides.

And if you are a sunset lover, you are in for a treat!

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Malta Is Very Safe For A Solo Traveller

Malta is one of the safest countries in Europe. And it is one of the safest European destinations for solo travellers. 

And I can confirm that personally. Walking home after a night in town or hiking in the countryside after dusk (not intentionally – I simply got lost hahaha) was never a problem and I never felt in danger.  This makes Malta a perfect solo travel destination.

The added benefit is that wherever you are or if you get lost in the late hours, you can always order a taxi through the Bolt app and the driver will pick you up from wherever you are.  Just make sure your mobile data is switched on.

Of course, you need to use common sense.  Like everywhere in the world, some basic security measures must be applied. Don’t let your valuables lying around unattended. There are thieves and pickpockets in every corner of the world. But in general, Malta is a very safe country. People are nice and always willing to help in case it’s needed.

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Malta Boasts Incredible Architecture And History

Malta is an ancient land with a very rich history and heritage. Some historic Maltese buildings have their origins in prehistory and are incredibly diverse and fascinating.

Malta’s architecture has been influenced by the various Mediterranean as well as British cultures.  Malta’s history dates back to prehistoric times, specifically more than 5000 years BC when it was first occupied by human civilization. From around 3850 BC Malta was occupied by a civilization that at its peak built the Megalithic Temples,  which today are among the oldest surviving buildings in the world.

You can see a great example of it on Gozo Island where the Ggantija Temples are located. Throughout the centuries Malta was occupied by Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Normans, and finally the British.

This colourful and diverse history resulted in the unique and fascinating architecture of the country. Malta is home to a large number of architectural gems. Prehistoric temples, Baroque-style buildings and churches, impressive fortifications, as well as charming village limestone farmhouses and windmills – it can all be found and admired here.

But these days Malta is mostly known and recognized for its colourful windows and balconies,  which have quite a modern origin, but nevertheless are very picturesque. Some sources say that these balconies have North African origins which derive from the Arabic Muxrabija (look-out place).

I even came across the theory that those balconies would allow women, who are mostly stay-at-home housewives, to look out into the world.

The truth about living in Malta /All the pros and cons

Malta’s Sea And Sun / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Malta enjoys an average of 300 days of sunshine a year with a hot summer and mild winter. 

You can swim and sunbathe starting as early as late April all the way to the end of October. To be honest, I have seen some sun worshippers sunbathing and swimming in mid-November. 

Malta offers a wide range of large and small sandy beaches, picturesque stone beaches as well as more hidden, off-the-beaten-track pool caves and natural swimming pools. 

Malta has beaches for everyone.  The most popular sandy beaches are Gjadira Bay in Mellieha, Golden Bay in Cirewwa as well as smaller Gjan Tuffieha  (my absolute favourite) and Paradise Bay. I personally really like the more secluded and often rocky beaches in Malta, especially during the busy summer months.

Some of my favourite ones include Slugs Bay,  Imgiebah Beach and Dahlet Qorrot and Mġarr ix-Xini in Gozo.

And an absolute must-do is a visit to St. Peters Pool – a natural rocky swimming pool. The crystal clear water and flat rocks surrounding the pool create an unusual beach experience. Ladders are available to access the sea and if you feel adventurous you have the option of diving into the waters from a few meters up.

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide
An Ultimate Guide to all beaches in Malta

Malta Is A Great Water Sports Destination

Malta is one of the best water sports destinations in Europe. More than half of the best activities in Malta are either on or under the water.

Snorkelling, scuba diving, paddleboarding or kayaking- all available here. What’s more, you can rent yourself a self-driving boat or hop on one of the organised boat cruises. You will also find your typical beach entertainment, including jet ski, banana rides and speed boating.

There is plenty of scuba schools spread across all the Maltese Islands, and some of the diving sights are travelled to from all over the world. Malta has one of the clearest and warmest waters in the Mediterranean.

If you are a sea and water enthusiast – Malta is a place for you!

Malta Offers Great Hiking, Especially For Solo Travellers

You wouldn’t think so, would you? But Malta is a great hiking destination too. Although there are no mountains in Malta, you will find yourself walking along dramatic cliff edges, in the often almost untouched countryside and amongst historical monuments.

There is a large number of hiking routes on the main Malta island as well as on Gozo and Comino. One of the other reasons why Malta is a great solo travel destination is that all the hikes are easily accessible and can be hiked solo safely.

An Ultimate Guide to all beaches in Malta

Malta Boasts Great Cultural Events And Festivals

If culture and festivals are what you are looking for, you will not be disappointed. Malta offers festivals and events that are suitable for all aesthetic tastes. And the range of cultural events is another great reason why travelling solo in Malta is such a great adventure.   The most popular and notable are:

  • The Malta International Jazz Festival – Held every year in July in Valetta, this is one of the most diverse musical celebrations in Malta. The three-day festival brings some of the best Maltese and international jazz artists with events spread throughout the capital city. Its main stage is located on the Ta’ Liesse, Valetta waterfront. But secondary events are also organized by the bars and clubs of Valetta, offering a more cameral experience.
  • Festival Mediterranea – An annual celebration of culture based on the beautiful island of Gozo. As part of the festival, you can choose between theatre, opera or dance workshops and conferences, as well as guided historical and archaeological trips.
  • Notte Bianca – Another annual festival taking place in Valetta, a ‘White Night’ called a ‘spectacular nocturnal celebration of people’. This is one of my favourite Malta festivals. This event boasts a variety of events and entertainment. Cafes, bars and restaurants remain open until late into the night, and the streets are flooded with a party-like atmosphere. Art exhibitions, open-air performances and concerts create a spectacular and unique night that can’t be missed if you are visiting Malta in October.
  • Birgu Fest – This magical Festival of Lights is held annually in the town of Birgu, one of Malta’s oldest and most historic cities. Also held in October, the Fest is an all-day event bringing a blend of concerts, celebrations, food stalls and numerous activities. Yet, the festival’s highlight is Birgu by Candlelight, when all the streets and houses are illuminated by thousands of colourful candles.  
Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide
  • Malta International Arts Festival – Another festival held annually in Valletta and offers a wide variety of art, such as theatre, dance, music, and painting. The Malta International Arts Festival is a cultural celebration of newcomers as well as established artists, and it is always well attended by locals and tourists alike.
  • Malta Carnival – February bring the Carnival to Malta, and the centre of festivities is in Valletta, but there are similar parties in smaller towns. You will find people in colourful, extravagant costumes, floats, music and the great party which carries into the night and ends in Malta’s party district of Paceville.
  • Malta Fireworks Festival – One of the best fireworks shows I have ever seen. Malta is very famous for its fireworks displays throughout the whole summer. However, on the 1st of May, as a celebration of  Malta’s accession into the European Union, the fireworks festival is held in Grand Harbour and must say, is extra spectacular. A number of Maltese and foreign fireworks factories are participating in this competitive event, presenting dramatic pyrotechnic displays.
  • Village Festas – All year long, you can experience the tradition of Malta up close. The Maltese love their patron saints, and the village festas, being primarily a religious celebration, are held in their honour every year. Each village has its festival day known as a festa. A whole week is dedicated to the village’s particular patron saint, honoured by a street party with fireworks and a church parade.

So if you are convinced that Malta is a great solo travel destination, I have seven days itinerary for you. This itinerary is packed full of sightseeing activities. But of course, it is up to you to choose your pace, and you can omit or swap any of the activities. For this reason, I have also included possible swap options, and I hope you will find them useful. Travelling solo in Malta is great fun and adventure!

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7 Days Malta Budget Itinerary for a Solo Traveller

There are a lot of things you can do and see in Malta solo and on a budget or completely free. The main budget-busters could be accommodation and transport to some more remote areas.

However, if you are prepared to use mostly public transport and are not in a hurry to get to places, it is totally doable to see Malta on a budget.

Going out can also be a little expensive, with many restaurants catering to wealthy tourists and higher prices than in some other European countries. But I would say that if you don’t go out and splash your money in fancy restaurants every night, this can be a pretty affordable trip.

I will provide you with some saving tips below the itinerary.

Day 1 – Mdina And Valetta

In the morning, head to Mdina, The Silent City. Mdina is a major tourist attraction recognised internationally as an important UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the former capital of Malta sitting on top of the highest hill in the country, and it is one that simply cannot be missed.

With a mix of medieval and Baroque architecture, this charming city with almost 300 inhabitants was also the filming location for the Game of Thrones. Could I convince you more?

Visiting Mdina, The Silent City - Mdina Travel Guide

From outside of the city walls, take bus number 71, 72 or 73 and head to Valetta, the current capital of Malta.

Try to arrive early in the afternoon to enjoy Valetta both by day and night. Valetta is my favourite city in Malta and really one of my favorite cities in the world. With its impressive bastions, forts and cathedral, this fortress city is also a cultural hub of the country.

With its narrow, charming streets and historical buildings arising in each corner, as well as great nightlife and quirky bars and excellent restaurants, Valetta is a great place to spend the day and night.

The truth about living in Malta / All the pros and cons of living in Malta
Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Take a stroll around the city, do some shopping, have lunch or dinner and visit the city’s sights and museums. Must-sees are the Upper Barrakka Gardens, The Saluting Battery, Fort St. Elmo and the National War Museum, amongst many more. In the evening, head to Bridge Bar on Straight Street for a cocktail or a glass of wine. I am sure you will find one with live music too.

Day 2 – Relax On The Beach And Enjoy Dinner By The Waterfront.

After a busy day of sightseeing, I am sure you will crave some relaxation and beach time. 

There is an abundance of amazing beaches in Malta – from large sandy beaches all the way to rocky beach formations and more secluded hidden gems. Choose the beach that suits you and your location best.  

As we are spending the day relaxing, I will not be sending you anywhere in particular on that day. Depending on where you are located, I will recommend a few locations where you can have a lovely evening dining by the seafront for this ultimate holiday feeling. 

Suppose you are located in the North of the island, I recommend Mellieha. Located right by the sea, it offers plenty of restaurants with fantastic views, but also first-class cuisine. 

Further South, you have Balutta Bay and St Julians, where it will be really spoiled for choice. You could also head to Marsaxlokk, but this location deserves a whole separate day. If the above places are out of your way, don’t worry. 

Wherever on the island, you are located I highly recommend a visit to Għajn Tuffieħa or Paradise Bay – two of the most beautiful beaches in Malta. 

Malta is great for eating out and offers a vibrant nightlife. Wherever you are, you will find some kind of entertainment option.

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide
Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Day 3 – Marsaxxlok And St Peters Pool

Marsaxlokk is a charming fishing village located in the South-Eastern part of Malta. A postcard-like location, it is a true symbol of Malta for many.

The village hosts a daily, open-air market, very popular among tourists and locals alike. It is an extremely colourful and charming village with a harbor filled with traditional bright Maltese luzzu boats and a promenade filled with restaurants serving traditional cuisine and fresh seafood.

Amazing Things to do in Malta /Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

From there, you can take a hike up to St Peter’s Pool. It takes between 30 to 45 minutes to get there, but I assure you – it is worth it.

St Peters Pool is a natural rocky pool formation created by surrounded rock platforms that offer an excellent, sand-free, sunbathing area. The waters are deep enough for a safe dive from the rocks, and many come here for this activity mainly. Completely secluded, although very popular in the summer months, it is one of the best and most interesting beaches in Malta.

After the swim, walk back to the village for a relaxing dinner in Marsaxlokk.

There is no public transport between Marsaxlokk and St Peters pool, so you have to take this into consideration. If walking back to the village is too much, you can take a taxi. Use a Bolt (Maltese Uber), and a one-way journey will cost you around €7.

Busses run from and to Marsaxlokk. Route 85 will take you back to Valetta, from which you will be able to return to your original destination.

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Day 4 – Swim in Blue Lagoon on Comino

Comino Island is well known for its crystal clear, turquoise Blue Lagoon. But it is also a lovely hiking destination.

Take a boat from Sliema Waterfront, Cirkewwa or Buggiba and spend a day in paradise. It does get crowded in the peak season due to its popularity. Nonetheless, it is definitely worth a visit.

Comino is also a great spot for enjoying all the water sports and testing this new snorkelling kit

There are many ways to enjoy the Comino as well as many ways of getting there. You can take an organised boat trip or use a hop-on hop-off ferry service. You can easily spend a day there, given there is so much more to Comino than just Blue Lagoon. Food trucks will make sure you won’t get hungry or thirsty, and if you are tired of the crowds, you can head to less populated Santa Maria Bay.

Is Comino, Malta worth visiting? / Complete Comino Travel Guide

Day 5 – Dingli And Blue Grotto – A Day Hike

This is a stunning walk, although it can be a bit strenuous and a long one. It takes around 4 hours if you decide to stop by Ghar Lapsi, which of course, I recommend.

If this walk is too much, you can, of course, choose to visit just one of those sites. Still, the walk is stunning, and the views are spectacular. The best sunset on the island!

Dingli Cliffs are located just off the village of Dingli, on Malta’s Western coast.  The views are breathtaking, and this is definitely one of the best coastal walks in Malta. Never overcrowded, Dingli cliffs offer a peaceful walk far away from the hustle and bustle of popular tourist resorts.

You can get to Dingly by taking a bus to Rabat and then taking bus number 201 to Dingli. Alternatively, you can take a bus number 52 or 5 from Valetta. 

If you don’t fancy the walk you can just stay here, enjoy the sunset and take a return bus from here.

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Ghar Lapsi – Halfway between Dingli and Blue Grotto, you will find Ghar Lapsi. It is a small rocky inlet and one of the few places where the sea can be entered from shore along the southern coastline. This very popular diving site also hides a hidden rocky beach, fantastic for snorkelling and a peaceful swim.

Blue Grotto – One of the most beautiful natural sights in Malta. This part of Malta is much less visited, which adds to the beauty of this place. I have visited many times, and on a clear sunny day, the views are sensational.

Blue Grotto is a network of seven caves with an entrance featuring a massive rock arch surrounded by turquoise clear waters.

Caves and the arch can be viewed from the viewing point at the top of the cliffs, but the caves can also be explored by boat. Head down to the valley where you will find a little rocky beach inlet and take a 20 minutes boat ride to explore the caves. You will not be disappointed. The boat ride costs around €10.

After a long walk and a day of exploring, you can stay in the Blue Grotto area for a well-deserved meal and a drink. Ugh, what an amazing day!

From Blue Grotto, you can take bus number 74 back to Valetta.

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Day 6 – A Day In Gozo

Although I do recommend spending 2 days in Gozo, the trip can also be done in one day. Some tour operators and organized boat trips even offer a trip to both Comino and Gozo in one day – however, I don’t recommend doing that.

If you feel like you haven’t got enough time for both – choose just one. You will not be able to explore and get the feel of those islands truly in just one day. Both islands have so much to offer and hold their own distinct feel. Simply brushing on them will take away from the full experience.

If you prefer to take an organised tour, a fun way to explore Gozo is by taking this all-day jeep tour or a quad bike tour. You can also rent a quad and explore the island on your own.

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Gozo, Malta’s little sister island is what many locals told me, is what Malta used to be like. Much more rural and with architecture often still untouched and traditional, Gozo is a perfect getaway.

There is so much to do and see in Gozo but what strikes me most about this island is how slow-paced and atmospheric it is.

Gozo also has some of the most beautiful beaches and natural sights like Ramla Bay and Dwejra, where the famous Azure Window used to be located before the sea swept it away.

Take a ferry from Cirkewwwa terminal, which takes approximately 20 minutes. You won’t need to purchase the ticket as the fare is paid on the way back. It costs around €5 return.

Once there, you can opt in for a hop-on hop-off bus, taking you to all of the most popular locations. I personally think this is a good option given the busses on the island of Gozo are not running this frequently.

For added fun, take a quad bike organized trip or simply rent a quad for a day and go exploring!

For the ferry, timetable, visit the Gozo Channel Website.

Amazing Things to do in Malta / Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Day 7 – Relax!

This was a full-on, 7 days of exploring the wonderful country of Malta. You deserve a rest. Go to the beach, or take a walk along the promenade. Shop for those souvenirs. But If you feel like you didn’t have enough, you can squeeze one of the swaps I listed below.

Alternative Swaps / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

  • Popeye Village – A Film set from the 1980 musical ‘Popeye’ is now a theme park village and one of the major tourist attractions in Malta. If you are a child at heart and enjoy the fairytale-like village, and the stunning seafront location, this experience is for you.
Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide
  • Tarxien Temples – Inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List, this site is one of the largest and most complex prehistoric sites in the country built between 3600 and 2500 BC.
  • Ħal-Saflieni Hypogeum – An underground prehistoric burial site, discovered in 1902 and dating back to about 4000 BC. This is one of the world’s best-preserved prehistoric sites and includes a temple, cemetery and funeral hall.
  • The Three Cities – Vittoriosa (Birgu), Senglea (Isla) and Cospicua (Bormla), known as the Three Cities, are three medieval fortified cities in the North of Malta. Rich in history and beautiful architecture the cities are ideally located right by the harbour offering a great day out exploring.
  • Malta off the beaten path – Buskett Woodland or St Anton gardens – Spend an afternoon in one of the beautiful parks in Malta.  Buskett Woodland, it is the only semi-natural forestland in the country spreading across 47 hectares. San Anton Gardens in Attard featuring Presidential Palace is one of the most beautiful gardens in Malta.
Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Tips For Solo Budget Travellers In Malta

As Malta is a great solo travel destination, it can also, unfortunately, be a bit pricy. Here are some of my tips on how to stay on budget when exploring the wonderful country of Malta.

  • Shop local fruit and vegetables – You will find a vegetable van around each corner in most locations in Malta. They are mostly selling local produce, and you will find them often cheaper than imported products from the supermarkets.
  • Embrace self-catering accommodation – Enjoy the night out in Malta, but by cooking in the hostel or Airbnb, you will definitely be able to save a few bucks here and there.
  • Look out for a happy hour – Many bars in Malta, especially around popular resorts, offer a happy hour. You can never go wrong with buy one get one free.
  • Get a Tallinja Card – And hop on the bus. With the Tallinja Card, your fair will be only € 0.75, and you will be able to get to most of the destinations much cheaper whilst also immersing yourself in local culture Busses are not extremely reliable; however, a Tallinja App offers a live timetable. Get unlimited travel, with the 7-Day ‘Explore Card’ for € 21, and you will not have to worry about your transport cost. This will also cover your Gozo trip.
  • Rent a GoTo car – If you fancy driving, you can also use a GoTo car to drive to some destinations. You can opt-in for one way or return trip, and apart from the fuel cost, you will be charged by the minute. You can also rent a scooter, but please watch out as Malta can be a bit dangerous to drive around.
  • The majority of the best things to do in Malta are free. Beautiful beaches, charming Valetta and mysterious Mdina, hikes and sunsets! If you are prepared to take local transport or even walk – Solo Malta travel can be very affordable. 

Where to Stay in Malta as a Solo Traveller

There are 2 main areas of Malta I recommend staying in as a solo traveller.

Sliema and St Julian’s area is lively, boasts the largest choice of accommodation and is Malta’s tourist and ex-pats hub. Although not the cheapest place on the island if you are travelling solo and looking to jump into the vibrant island life – this is where you want to be.

If you are looking for a little more remote and less touristy part of the island I recommend Mellieha. This part of Malta is more popular amongst families but it has an incredible sandy beach (the largest in Malta), great restaurants and close proximity to some of Malta’s best hikes and secluded beaches.

If you are a culture buff and love interesting cities – then you should stay in Valetta. This is an incredible city full of life, colours and plenty of things to do. Great base for further exploration of Malta.

Can’t decide? Check out my full guide to all areas to stay in Malta!

If you are a solo traveller then staying in a hostel is the best way to not only save money but also meet other travellers.

The most famous hostel in Malta is Inhawi Hostel in St. Julians. Bang on in the middle of all the action, near popular beaches and boasting a terrace and pool – it is the best hostel in Malta.

For the best social budget hostel, I recommend you take a look at Marco Polo Hostel

If you are looking for a bohemian vibe, consider Boho Hostel and if you enjoy boutique hostels, you will love Two Pillows Boutique Hostel in Sliema

In Valetta, you will find Dormitory by Vallettastay – a beautiful hostel situated in a typical Maltese Townhouse built almost 500 years ago

If you prefer your own private room – don’t worry. The majority of hostels offer private rooms as well while you can still take advantage of communal areas like a shared kitchen or leisure room. There few great budget hotels in Malta as well. 

Island Guesthouse is conveniently located and offers great views of the marina. If you need to work while travelling you should definitely consider Evolve Remote Worker Hotel.

So here it is. I have poured my heart into this guide to make your trip as enjoyable as possible. I truly believe Malta is a great solo travel destination, and against popular belief, it can also be done on a moderate budget.

This post may contain affiliate links which means that if you purchase the product or make a booking via one of my links, I will receive a small commission. Please know that I will never recommend or promote a product I don’t believe in or haven’t used. This way, you are supporting this blog at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

Useful Malta Travel Resources and Tips:

Book your accommodation in advance, especially if you travel during peak season. For the best prices check out Booking.com or Hostelworld for the best hostel deals. 

Check how to get the ExplorePlus travel card here! It will give you Unlimited Travel for 7 days, 2 free trips on the Valletta Ferry from Sliema or the Three Cities, 2 free trips on the Tallinja Bike and a few sightseeing options.

Take a free walking tour in Valletta! It’s an amazing way to learn the history of the city and Malta as a whole!

Book your experience or a tour via Get Your Guide or Viator. Those are two of the most popular tour marketplace sites featuring the largest selection of experiences. 

Keep some cash on you. Although in bigger cities you will be able to pay by card in the majority of establishments there are still a few smaller, privately owned shops that will only accept cash. 

Check out the Malta events calendar here!

All the timetables you will ever need:

Valletta to Sliema Ferry

Gozo and Comin Ferry from Sliema / Hop On Hop Off

Gozo ferry from Cerkewwa

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