Amazing Things to do in Malta

23 Amazing Things to do in Malta

This is your best Malta Travel Guide written with love by a local! It lists all the awesome things to do in Malta – the must-do’s and the lesser-known, off-the-path destinations!

Malta as a travel destination has it all. Amazing Mediterranean weather, rich history and culture, beautiful beaches, dramatic landscapes and superb food scene. To top it up, it is ridiculously easy to get to Malta, as you can fly there directly from almost all European and many non-European destinations.

Living in Malta is a completely different story, but if you ask me if you should visit Malta, I would tell you not to hesitate even for a moment, and book your ticket right now!

Malta has something for every type of traveller – backpacker, digital nomad or all-inclusive “I just want to enjoy” type of traveller. There are tons of things to do in Malta which often comes as a surprise given Malta is one of the smallest countries in Europe. 

I lived in Malta for almost three years, so this is a true insider guide. I have personally been to every place I will describe here, often more than once. Of course, this post includes my personal opinions, and things I loved might not be your cup of tea. But then, I love most things when it comes to travel: )

Amazing Things to do in Malta

So without further ado, let’s list all the most incredible Malta attractions!

Why Malta is Worth Visiting

Malta is one of the most interesting countries you will ever visit. Starting with its incredible and diverse heritage and natural beauty to the weirdest language and Maltese people’s love for deep-fried pastries. A country where you can spend your whole life outside due to gorgeous weather and numerous outdoor activities, but an average Maltese household owns at least 2 cars. 

Malta is a small island packed full of the most beautiful cliffs and beaches, prehistoric tombs which used to be home to ancient giants, walled cities that resisted many wars, and some of the best pizza I have had outside of Italy.

Oh, and it only takes 25 minutes on the plane and reach Italy!

Did you buy that ticket? Great! Then let me tell you about all the great things you can do in Malta!

Malta Facts: Malta is a former British colony, therefore English is a co-official language alongside Maltese. The majority of Maltese people speak English as it is taught in schools from early years and it’s widely spoken in everyday life.

23 Amazing Things to Do in Malta

Visit Valetta – Europe’s Smallest Capital

You simply cannot say you were in Malta if you didn’t visit its capital city – Valletta. Exploring Valletta is one of the best things to do in Malta. Period.

Valletta is my favourite city in Malta and one of my favourite cities in the world. With its impressive bastions, forts and cathedral, this fortress city is also a cultural and social hub of the country.  

Valletta is a UNESCO World Heritage site and has an incredible history. Malta remained under Roman rule for over 1,000 years, Valletta used to be a base for the Knights of St John during the Crusades and defended itself from Ottoman invasion during the Great Siege of Malta, and every corner of this city has a story to tell. It has over 320 monuments and is often referred to as an “open area museum”.  

But that’s not the only reason Valletta is such an incredible city.

This smallest capital city in Europe is packed with plenty of things to do and wonderful just to walk around. With its narrow, charming streets and historic buildings arising on each corner, fantastic restaurants, hip cafes, as well as great nightlife and quirky bars – Valetta is a great place to spend the day and night. This city is one place you will want to come back to. 

Here are some of the best things to do and see in Valletta:

Amazing Things to do in Malta
  • Upper and Lower Barrakka Gardens – relax in the garden or watch the gunfire ceremony from the upper terrace. The view over the 3 cities is pretty spectacular too!
  • The Lascaris war rooms and The National War Museum. Did you know that Malta was the most bombed country in the world in WW2? Oh well, you will find this and many more interesting facts there!
Amazing Things to do in Malta
  • If you are looking for a complete overview of Malta’s history and culture – visit The Malta Experience.
  • Stroll the Republic Street – for great (not cheap lol) shopping, food and all that people-watching.
  • Grab a bite at Valletta Food Court (please do!) and stroll down the Strait Street in the Evening! Don’t miss either of these. Thank me later!
  • Finally, head to the famous Bridge Bar for a glass of wine and live music!
Amazing Things to do in Malta

Malta Facts: The Maltese language is of Arabic origin and is the only Semitic language written using Latin letters. It has been heavily influenced by English and Italian; so spoken Maltese sounds like Arabic with a sprinkling of English and Italian phrases. It is a hard language, I’ll be honest, and very early I realized that I would not be attempting to learn Maltese. Sorry, Malta!

Step Back in Time in Mdina the Silent City

Mdina is a major tourist attraction and another must-see in Malta.   

Mdina, the former capital of Malta, located on the top of the highest hill in the country, is another UNESCO World Heritage Site and an absolutely magical city.

Why is Mdina called Silent City? After the capital city was moved in the 16th century, Mdina experienced a decline and many inhabitants left its walls.

Today, Mdina has only 300 inhabitants and the city feels like an open-air museum. In fact, visitors are expected to adhere to noise restrictions, but luckily, this compliance somehow comes naturally.

Amazing Things to do in Malta

This fortified hilltop city has a history dating back a remarkable 4,000 years and as you step through the gates of Mdina, it feels like you’re stepping back in time. Oh, and the last thing! This charming medieval city was also the filming location for Game of Thrones!

Mdina is a popular day-trip destination, and it isn’t difficult to see why. It is a small town and can easily be seen in half a day, so after Mdina, I recommend taking a walk to Rabat. 

Amazing Things to do in Malta
Amazing Things to do in Malta

Discover the Town of Rabat

Rabat for me feels very mysterious and is often overlooked by tourists. This town is very rich in history with numerous medieval churches and monasteries.

Rabat has its own charm with beautiful architecture, quite a few interesting things to see, as well as a few great cafes and restaurants.

Just around a 10-minute walk from Mdina, you will find yourself in a square where the Basilica of St Paul is located. Walk a few more minutes and you can visit St. Paul’s Catacombs – a complex of underground Roman cemeteries covering an area of 2000 square meters.

After all, this walking makes sure you step into the Crystal Palace bar, located across the street from the Roman Villa, which is said to be home to the best pastizzi in Malta. 

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Malta Facts: In Malta and Gozo, you drive on the left-hand side of the road, which has been inherited from the British rule of Malta. But Maltese also follow their own driving rules: “In the UK they drive on the left, in the US they drive on the right. In Malta, we drive in the shade (and try to avoid the potholes!).”

Three Cities / Birgu, Senglea and Cospicua

Right across Valletta’s Grand Harbor sit three harbour inlets surrounded by famous three cities –  Birgu, Senglea and Cospicua.

Visiting Three Cities can be combined with a trip to Valletta as you can jump on a ferry located at the dock near the bottom of the Upper Barrakka Lift. 

Birgu is one of my favourite places in Malta. I first visited during the festival of lights, when the whole town is lit only by candles. I instantly fell in love with this place and not soon after visited it on a day trip. Strangely unvisited, Birgu stole my heart with its charming cobbled streets, colourful balconies and great cafes and restaurants.

Take a walk to the waterfront as well! On a nice sunny day, this is the best place to sip on G&T and enjoy the views. 

Amazing Things to do in Malta
Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide

Marsaxlokk – The Colourful Fishing Village

Marsaxlokkis a charming fishing village located in the Southeastern part of Malta. A postcard-like location, it is a true symbol of Malta for many.

The village hosts a daily, open-air market, very popular among tourists and locals alike. It is an extremely colourful and charming village with a harbour filled with traditional bright Maltese luzzu boats and a promenade filled with restaurants serving traditional cuisine and fresh seafood.

Grab a seat at one of the waterfront restaurants and order freshly caught fish!

Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide / Things to do in Malta

Jump Into Crystal Clear Water at St Peter’s Pool

From Marsaxlokk, you can take a water taxi to St Peter’s Pool.

St Peters Pool is a natural rocky pool formation created by surrounded rock platforms that offer an excellent, sand-free, sunbathing area. The waters are deep enough for a safe dive from the rocks, and many come here for this activity mainly. But if you are not brave enough to jump in, don’t worry! There are ladders provided for those seeking to cool off in refreshing turquoise water.

Completely secluded, although very popular in the summer months, it is one of the best and most interesting beaches in Malta.

It is an iconic spot in Malta and one not to miss!

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Take a Day Trip to Comino

Comino and Blue Lagoon are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean and Malta. As such, they attract enormous amounts of visitors on a daily basis.

Blue Lagoon is incredibly beautiful but totally packed full of day-trippers.  Nevertheless, a swim in Comino’s turquoise waters is an extraordinary experience.

My friends and I used to visit for a day numerous times throughout the summer. I also liked visiting during the winter months and hiking around the island.

There are many ways to visit Comino for a day and among the most popular is an organized day boat trip. It can be fun as some trips offer complimentary lunch and drink and even a bit of a party. But the best way to enjoy Comino is to take an early Hop On Hop Off ferry from Sliema and get there before the crowds.   

You can also take the 2 pm service. Without stopping at Gozo, you will arrive in Comino at 3 pm. The tourist cruise boats won’t start leaving Comio until around 5 pm, so during peak time you can take a walk around the island, visit Santa Maria beach or go for a jet ski ride. Once the crowds are gone you can just relax, enjoy the beach and wait for the sunset with a cocktail in your hand.

If however, you prefer to take a beach cruise trip, you can book a highly rated catamaran experience here. 

There is an unquestionable beauty in this place and you just need to come to visit while in Malta. 

Things to in Malta / Is Comino, Malta worth visiting? / Complete Comino Travel Guide
Amazing Things to do in Malta

Malta Facts: Malta has been using the euro (€) as its official currency since 2008 but credit and debit cards are widely accepted. If you don’t want to get some euros upfront you will be able to get cash out from the majority of ATMs.

Spend a Day or Two on Gozo

Gozo is Malta’s little sister and many say visiting Gozo is like going back in time and seeing Malta as it used to be before it became a tourist and ex-pat hub.

Gozo has a tranquil and magical feel to it, and it’s definitely worth visiting. I recommend spending a couple of days in Gozo, but if you are short on time, a day will do as well.  What I don’t recommend is an organized multi-distination boat tour (one of those that stops at Comino and Gozo). You will end up having just a couple of hours in Gozo and will feel rushed. What’s more, you will not get a true peaceful feel of the island.

I would rather take a morning bus to Ċirkewwa and get on the ferry which will take you to Gozo in around 15 minutes. Once there you can take a Hop On Hop Off bus or rent a quad bike. There are also organized Gozo quad bike excursions that are great! 

I have largely walked around Gozo but I’m an extreme walker, but it can definitely be one and I have done it on day trips.  There are a few places you simply can’t miss when you visit Gozo:

  • Victoria – Victoria (formerly known as Ir-Rabat) is the Gozo capital. This town is the heart of the island but is never overwhelmingly busy. In the centre of Victoria is Pjazza Indipendenza, also known as it-Tokk. In the mornings, there is an open market that shares the square with several open-air cafes. There are also numerous places of historical and cultural interest in ir-Rabat (Victoria) but a visit to the Citadel is a must.
Amazing Things to do in Malta / Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide / Gozo
  • Salt Pans – If you have never witnessed salt harvesting, this will be a great opportunity. The salt tradition here has been passed down within certain families for the past 350 years. It is also a very picturesque walk.
  • Dwejra Bay – It is where the iconic Azzure Window was located before it collapsed in 2017. But this place hasn’t lost its beauty. It is probably one of the most spectacular sunset spots around the country. People would gather in the evening, sometimes dancing and playing instruments and clapping to the setting sun. Fantastic experience.
Amazing Things to do in Malta / Why Malta is a great solo travel destination / Malta Solo Budget Travel Guide / Gozo
  • Ramla Bay – A stunning beach where the famous  Tal-Mixta Cave is located.
  • Ġgantija Temples – This megalithic temple from the Neolithic period is the earliest of the Megalithic Temples of Malta and is older than the Pyramids of Egypt or Stonehenge. Built 5500 years ago temples are the world’s second-oldest existing man-made religious structures. The temple’s name originates from a popular local myth saying temples were constructed by a gigantic race of people– Giants. Ġgantija means ‘Place of Giants’ in Maltese.
Best things to do in Gozo Malta, 2 days in Gozo

Walk the Promenade of St Julian’s

St Julians, together with Sliema, are the island’s tourist and ex-pat hubs of the island. This is where you will find many restaurants, cafes, shops and bars.

The St Julian promenade is lovely to walk along both day and night. Always vibrant with tourists and locals alike, with food and souvenir stands and great restaurants at the waterfront. Get a table at one of the great restaurants (some recommendations will be listed below) order traditional Maltese rabbit stew or octopus and admire the colourful luzzu boat at Spinola Bay.

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Shop and Eat in Sliema

Sliema is probably one of Malta’s most populous areas. This is where a large number of expats live and where you will find the main tourist harbour filled with tourist boats and numerous shops offering various experiences. Right across the harbour, you will find a strip full of bars and restaurants. 

This is also where you will find a ferry to Valletta (the best way to get to Valletta from Sliema or St Julians) and Hop On Hop Off the ferry to Gozo and Comino. 

It’s busy and very touristy, so if you are looking for a chilled evening out, I would rather suggest Mellieha or even St Julian’s. But if you feel like some fun and cocktails – head to Sliema waterfront. 

Amazing Things to do in Malta / An Ultimate Guide to all beaches in Malta

Walk inland and you will be able to get all the shopping done – from the grocery to souvenirs and clothing. If you venture further up the roads you will find yourself among some very pretty colourful streets. I actually really liked photographing Sliema!

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Party in Paceville

And if you are in the mood for a party – Paceville is just around the corner from St Julian’s. 

I have had a love-hate relationship with Paceville. I don’t normally seek Magaluf type of parties in my life, but there are a few great bars in Paceville like Hugos or Native that we frequented when we felt like a little dance. 

Paceville is just a typical party district in Malta – full of bars, or sort of different types of clubs and few restaurants. It will be very rowdy until the late hours.

If you feel like letting your hair down, oh well, Paceville, it is.

I have exciting news to share with you, my travel friends!

I have just launched my own Backpacking and Budget Solo Travellers FB Group and I would love you to join me there! Travellers of all budgets and ages are welcome! I would like to create a community where we share tips and experiences and where you could ask me all travel and budget backpacking related questions!

I hope to see you there! Pati

Soak Up The Sun On The Beach

In Malta, there is a beach for everyone. Some of the beaches are unlike anything else. Some are wide and sandy, and some are surrounded by dramatic views.

There are off-the-beaten-track beaches, tricky to-get-to beaches (Slugs Bay) or family beaches with all facilities (such as Mellieha or Golden Bay) My favourite however is Għajn Tuffieħa for its incredible bohemian feel and Paradise Bay for the surroundings and great hikes nearby.  

Amazing Things to do in Malta / An Ultimate Guide to all beaches in Malta
Amazing Things to do in Malta / An Ultimate Guide to all beaches in Malta

Watch the Sunset at Dingli Cliffs

Dingli Cliffs are located just off the village of Dingli, on Malta’s Western coast.  The views are breathtaking, and this is definitely one of the best coastal walks in Malta. Never overcrowded, Dingli Cliffs offer a peaceful walk far away from the hustle and bustle of popular tourist resorts.

Taking a walk along these dramatic cliffs and watching the sunset is definitely one of the best things to do in Malta 

You can get to Dingly by taking a bus to Rabat and then taking bus number 201 to Dingli. Alternatively, you can take a bus number 52 or 5 from Valetta. 

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Explore Blue Grotto

Blue Grotto is one of the most beautiful natural sights in Malta. This part of Malta is much less visited, which adds to the beauty of this place. I have visited many times, and on a clear sunny day, the views are sensational.

Blue Grotto is a network of seven caves with an entrance featuring a massive rock arch surrounded by turquoise clear waters.

Caves and the arch can be viewed from the viewing point at the top of the cliffs, but the caves can also be explored by boat. Head down to the valley where you will find a little rocky beach inlet and take a 20 minutes boat ride to explore the caves. You will not be disappointed. The boat ride costs around €10.

Amazing Things to do in Malta
Amazing Things to do in Malta

Wake Up the Inner Child at Popeye Village

A Film set from the 1980 musical ‘Popeye’ is now a theme park village and one of the major tourist attractions in Malta. If you are a child at heart and enjoy the fairytale-like village, and the stunning seafront location, this experience is for you.

Popeye Village is an amusement park in Malta, located in the north of the island, around 3 km from Mellieha. It is surrounded by Maltese fields and set on the turquoise bay of Anchor Bay. It is most popular among families with children and in summer it is hard to find peace and quiet here. It is much calmer in winter.

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Trace Prehistoric Civilizations in Malta

If you love archaeology and are fascinated by prehistory – Malta is your place!

Maltese islands were inhabited by people as early as 5200 BC during the Stone Age. Apart from the early Neolithic settlers, Malta was also occupied by Greeks, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans.  You can admire the remains of every civilization living on this tiny island all around the country, and I strongly recommend you see at least one of those exhibits!

You can choose between traces of prehistoric man, megalithic monuments, Punic tombs and remains of Roman Villas. 

  • The Ġgantija Temples on Gozo Island are one of the most important archaeological sites in the world dating back to 3600 BC, older than the Pyramids of Egypt or Stonehenge. These remains, built more than 5500 years ago, are the world’s second-oldest existing man-made religious structures The temple’s name originates from a popular local myth saying temples were constructed by a gigantic race of people– Giants. “Ġgantija” means “place of giants” in Maltese.
Amazing Things to do in Malta / Best things to do in Gozo Malta, Gozo Travel Guide
  • The temple of Ħaġar Qim is a  UNESCO World Heritage site and stands on a hilltop near Qrendi, overlooking the sea and the islet of Filfla. This site, among other megalithic structures in Malta, is an architectural masterpiece.  A bird’s eye view would show a clear resemblance to a woman’s body, and this layout and other artefacts found on site suggest that the structures were probably shrines erected to worship Mother Earth and the fertility cycles.
  • Other megalithic temples worth visiting are Mnajdra, Skorba, Ta’ Ħaġrat and Tarxien and each monument is different in intent, expression and construction technique. 
  • The Maltese Hypogeum (Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum) is a remarkable Neolithic prehistoric underground burial site. Excavation has produced a large amount of archaeological material, including ceramics, human bones, personal ornaments such as beads and amulets, little carved animals and larger figurines. The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum is the only prehistoric burial site which is accessible to the general public and the tickets sell really fast. In order to preserve the site, there is a limited amount of visitors allowed at the time, so I strongly recommend you book your tour or ticket in advance.
  • If you don’t have time to see it all you can also visit the National Museum of Archeology where a lot of original excavation artefacts are displayed. This museum offers an extensive introduction to the country’s prehistory and is very much worth visiting.
Amazing Things to do in Malta

Go Hiking Along Maltese Coast

You wouldn’t think so, would you? But Malta is also a great hiking destination too. Although there are no mountains in Malta, you will find yourself walking along dramatic cliff edges, surrounded by often almost untouched countryside and amongst historical monuments.

Not many visitors consider Malta to be a great hiking destination. But given the size of the country, you can combine a great hike with visiting some of its landmarks. I actually think hiking is one of the best things to do in Malta.

A hike from Dingli to the Blue Grotto is one of the most spectacular! Also, Gozo is a hiker’s paradise! There are a variety of hiking routes on the main Malta island as well as on Gozo and Comino. Pack your hiking shoes for your trip to Malta!

Most Spectacular Coastal Hikes in Malta

Hide Away in Buskett Gardens

Located in the Rabat area, in the fertile valley of Wied il-Luq in Siġġiewi, Buskett is known to be one of the oldest, largest and wildest green spaces in Malta. Although many call this place woodlands, it technically is a Buskett is technically the garden of the Verdala Palace.

Buskett is the only semi-natural forestland in the country, spreading across 47 hectares. It is an amazing area for picnics and a long walk.

An absolute bonus – the park is located around a 40-minute walk from the famous Dingli Cliffs! I made it a whole day trip, starting at the Buskett and ending at the cliffs. A wonderful way to spend the day and take some outstanding pictures.

Malta off the beaten path

Attend a Festival in Malta

If culture and festivals are what you are looking for, you will not be disappointed. Malta offers festivals and events that are suitable for all aesthetic tastes.

If you are lucky to be visiting around the time of any of the Maltese festivals, you should definitely attend! Maltese know how to throw a good party!

  • Malta Carnival – February brings the Carnival to Malta, and the centre of festivities is in Valletta, but there are similar parties in smaller towns. You will find people in colourful, extravagant costumes, floats, music and the great party which carries into the night and ends in Malta’s party district of Paceville.
  • The Malta International Jazz Festival – Held every year in July in Valetta, this is one of the most diverse musical celebrations in Malta. The three-day festival brings some of the best Maltese and international jazz artists with events spread throughout the capital city. Its main stage is located on the Ta’ Liesse, Valetta waterfront. But secondary events are also organized by the bars and clubs of Valetta, offering a more cameral experience.
  • Notte Bianca – Another annual festival taking place in Valetta, a ‘White Night’ called a ‘spectacular nocturnal celebration of people’. This is one of my favourite Malta festivals. This event boasts a variety of events and entertainment. Cafes, bars and restaurants remain open until late into the night, and the streets are flooded with a party-like atmosphere. Art exhibitions, open-air performances and concerts create a spectacular and unique night that can’t be missed if you are visiting Malta in October.
  • Birgu Fest – This magical Festival of Lights is held annually in the town of Birgu, one of Malta’s oldest and most historic cities. Also held in October, the Fest is an all-day event bringing a blend of concerts, celebrations, food stalls and numerous activities. Yet, the festival’s highlight is Birgu by Candlelight, when all the streets and houses are illuminated by thousands of colourful candles.  
  • Malta Fireworks Festival – One of the best fireworks shows I have ever seen. Malta is very famous for its fireworks displays throughout the whole summer. However, on the 1st of May, as a celebration of  Malta’s accession into the European Union, the fireworks festival is held in Grand Harbour and must say, is extra spectacular. A number of Maltese and foreign fireworks factories are participating in this competitive event, presenting dramatic pyrotechnic displays.
  • Village Festas – All year long, you can experience the tradition of Malta up close. The Maltese love their patron saints, and the village festas, being primarily a religious celebration, are held in their honour every year. Each village has its festival day known as a festa. A whole week is dedicated to the village’s particular patron saint, honoured by a street party with fireworks and a church parade.
Amazing Things to do in Malta

Spend the Day by the Pool

You will be pleased to learn that there are a few great beach bars in Malta offering great pools and atmosphere. If you feel like sipping a cocktail by the pool and marvelling at the ocean views, I recommend spending a day at one of Malta’s beach lidos.

Café del Mar is one of the best. Luxurious beds, great food, spectacular views and cool parties in the evening – there is a lot to like about this place! Head to Cafe del Mar on Saturday if the Paceville party scene is not your thing.

I used to go to MedAsia in Sliema and I always enjoyed it. You cannot go wrong with sushi, G&T and a refreshing swim in the pool on a hot day! Right next to it you will find the 1926 beach lido – a little more luxurious and, of course, pricy.  Sky Beach in St Julians is on the pricier side, but as it is located on the Intercontinental Hotel’s 19th floor – the views are fantastic! I never tried it myself, but it’s highly rated.

Try Pastizzi

Pastizzi is Malta’s national treasure. Seriously! Yes, it is just a flaky and crisp savoury pastry stuffed with either ricotta cheese or mushy peas, but you cannot admit you have been to Malta and didn’t try pastizzi – especially to a Maltese person.  Try it at least once and if you can, from Cristal Palace bakery in Rabat (you can do it on the day you visit Mdina). But don’t worry,  there’s a pastizzerija in virtually every village, and on nearly every street in a bigger town. Enjoy!

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Take a Boat Trip

One of the best things to do in Malta is the cruise along with its crystal clear Mediterranean waters. At least once or twice a year we used to put money together and rent a boat for the day. It’s not as extravagant as it looks, and in Malta, it’s easier than you think. 

There are quite a few ways you can enjoy the Mediterranean, whether you’re on a budget, travelling in a group or solo.

  • The easiest and most popular way is to jump on one of the cruise boats lined up at Sliema harbour. Tickets start at around €30. You can choose between a harbour cruise, Gozo and Comino cruise, around Malta all-day cruise, or even a reggae sunset boat party. Lunch and a drink are often included in the price. Make sure you pack your snorkel! Don’t worry about booking any of those online! Just walk along the Sliema waterfront and you will be able to choose from dozens of available tours and experiences. 
  • You can also rent a private charter. If you are travelling in a group or made a few friends while travelling in Malta, renting a private boat can be a great adventure. With a dedicated captain who will take you to the best swimming and snorkelling spots around Malta. The only thing you will need to worry about is to stock up on some food and drinks and have a great time. You can choose from half-day or full-day rentals, smaller boats, catamarans or sailing boats. There are a couple of websites you can look into like SamBoat, Malta Sailing Experience or Clickandboat.

Go Diving

Malta is one of the best dive destinations in Europe. Diving here is varied and remarkable and Malta has over a hundred dive sites.  You can explore wreck sites, reefs, caves and much more! High visibility along with warmer sea temperatures makes Malta a divers paradise!

There are numerous highly experienced and reliable diving centres and schools throughout Malta that will start you off with try-dives and also offer PADI certification.

Click here to book Tickets for Discover Scuba Diving Experience

Best Time to Visit Malta

Malta is a year-round destination. You can visit Malta in winter to enjoy the out-of-season prices and fewer crowds.

If you want to enjoy Maltese beaches, the best time to visit is between May and early October. The hottest months are July and August, and it can get really hot. In fact, August is my least favourite month in Malta, as it gets really hot and extremely humid. 

The best months to visit Malta for beach time but bearable temperatures are the end of May, June, the beginning of July and September.

Amazing Things to do in Malta

Where to Stay in Malta

There are 2 main areas of Malta I recommend staying in as a solo traveller.

Sliema and St Julian’s area is lively, boasts the largest choice of accommodation and is Malta’s tourist and ex-pats hub. Although not the cheapest place on the island if you are travelling solo and looking to jump into the vibrant island life – this is where you want to be.

If you are looking for a little more remote and less touristy part of the island I recommend Mellieha. This part of Malta is more popular amongst families but it has an incredible sandy beach (the largest in Malta), great restaurants and close proximity to some of Malta’s best hikes and secluded beaches.

if you are a culture buff and love interesting cities – then you should stay in Valetta. This is an incredible city full of life, colours and plenty of things to do. Great base for further exploration of Malta.

If you are a solo traveller then staying in a hostel is the best way to not only save money but also meet other travellers.

The most famous hostel in Malta is Inhawi Hostel in St. Julians. Bang on in the middle of all the action, near popular beaches and boasting a terrace and pool – it is the best hostel in Malta.

For the best social budget hostel, I recommend you take a look at Marco Polo Hostel

If you are looking for a bohemian vibe, consider Boho Hostel and if you enjoy boutique hostels, you will love Two Pillows Boutique Hostel in Sliema

In Valetta, you will find Dormitory by Vallettastay – a beautiful hostel situated in a typical Maltese Townhouse built almost 500 years ago

If you prefer your own private room – don’t worry. The majority of hostels offer private rooms as well while you can still take advantage of communal areas like a shared kitchen or leisure room. There few great budget hotels in Malta as well. 

Island Guesthouse is conveniently located and offers great views of the marina. If you need to work while travelling you should definitely consider Evolve Remote Worker Hotel.

On my last week in Malta (before I left the country) I stayed in Bayview Hotel in Gzira. It is a very simple Hotel offering basic rooms for a very good price. The location is great and if you are planning to mostly stay outdoors and just need a place to sleep, this will be just fine. It’s not a luxury resort but most rooms have a balcony and kitchenette and you will find a small pool on the rooftop. 

And if you are looking for out of this world experience and budget doesn’t matter then you should stay in Palazzo Jean Parisot Boutique Suites. People singing songs about this hotel!

How to Get Around Malta

Given its size, it is very easy to get around Malta by public transport, a rented car or even a taxi. 

Malta has a good public transport system with local buses serving all the main tourist areas. You can go by bus practically anywhere in Malta. I suggest getting a Tallinnja Card that can be loaded with a credit or tourist pass. The majority of the bus stops in larger towns have live timetables and life updates can also be seen on the Tallinja app.

With the Tallinja Explore Plus card, you will get unlimited bus travel on Malta and Gozo for a week and only €39. It includes: 

  • 7 days of unlimited travel on public transport, including direct services from the airport 
  • 2 trips on the Valletta ferries;
  • A full-day tour on the hop-on, hop-off buses You have to be aware that

Maltese buses often don’t run on time. The best way is to get a “live” timetable or just simply turn up at the bus stop and wait. The bus services are frequent enough. It is just part of Maltese folklore!

Ridesharing apps, especially Bolt are very popular in Malta. You can take a Bolt from one edge of the country to another and pay 30 €! I know people who use Bolt as their main way of transport! The ride within one town can be as cheap as €4. Just download the app and you are set!

In recent years GoTo cars have also become a very popular way of getting around Malta. You can pick up an electric GoTo car at any location, often within a few minutes. You will unlock the car with the app, and when you are done, you drop it off, log off and pay only for the time you were using the car. You can also book a round trip and reserve a car per hour. You can also rent an electric moped (also via GoTo) or a scooter.

Amazing Things to do in Malta

How Many Days Should You Stay in Malta

It is best to reserve between 5 to 7 days for your trip to Malta. There are plenty of things to do in Malta and a few sites you really don’t want to miss.

If you want to visit Malta’s famous landmarks, take a trip to a beach or two, and enjoy a relaxed Mediterranean evening vibe (or party) I recommend booking a whole week in Malta.

You can, of course, visit Malta on a short weekend trip as Malta is a small island and it doesn’t take long to travel from one place to another. But if you can, spend a few more days – you will not regret it.

Amazing Things to do in Malta

I hope you enjoyed my guide to the best things to do in Malta. The truth is that there are quite a few additional things you could do in Malta and some more off-the-beaten-track destinations too. But I didn’t want to overwhelm you 🙂

I will be looking for your comments and stories from your trip!

Until then, happy travelling!

This post may contain affiliate links which means that if you purchase the product or make a booking via one of my links, I will receive a small commission. Please know that I will never recommend or promote a product I don’t believe in or haven’t used. This way, you are supporting this blog at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

Useful Malta Travel Resources and Tips:

Book your accommodation in advance, especially if you travel during peak season. For the best prices check out or Hostelworld for the best hostel deals. 

Check how to get the ExplorePlus travel card here! It will give you Unlimited Travel for 7 days, 2 free trips on the Valletta Ferry from Sliema or the Three Cities, 2 free trips on the Tallinja Bike and a few sightseeing options.

Take a free walking tour in Valletta! It’s an amazing way to learn the history of the city and Malta as a whole!

Book your experience or a tour via Get Your Guide or Viator. Those are two of the most popular tour marketplace sites featuring the largest selection of experiences. 

Keep some cash on you. Although in bigger cities you will be able to pay by card in the majority of establishments there are still a few smaller, privately owned shops that will only accept cash. 

Check out the Malta events calendar here!

All the timetables you will ever need:

Valletta to Sliema Ferry

Gozo and Comin Ferry from Sliema / Hop On Hop Off

Gozo ferry from Cerkewwa

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