The truth about living in Malta /All the pros and cons

The Truth About Living in Malta /All the Pros And Cons

Are you considering moving to Malta and aren’t sure if it’s a good idea? Then this is a comprehensive guide written for you. All the pros and cons of living in Malta including real ex-pats’ opinions. The truth about living in Malta.

There is a big difference between travelling to a country for leisure and actually living there. We often fall in love with the idea of a country, and then when we actually move there, the reality hits us hard.

Just like in a relationship. We idealise, make assumptions, and tend to forgive or overlook problems or little issues. But over time, the problems become part of everyday life.

But wouldn’t it be nice if we knew some of these problems in advance? Before we get involved in this relationship? Or at least, if you are determined to try, to know what you are getting into?

I have moved countries quite a few times by now. So I have had my share of surprises and love affairs that I wish had never ended, and ones that I knew would not last beyond a fling. And I know how it feels when expectations are confronted with reality. 

So if you are considering moving to Malta and living there, I am here to give it to you straight. The pros and cons of living in Malta an opinion of real ex-pat.

Disclaimer: I moved to Malta in July 2019 and left the country at the end of 2021. I lived there, worked, hiked, had fun and survived the global pandemic. I have experienced Malta’s pre and post ‘doom days’.  Although I have now left I stay in touch with the local community and still have plenty of friends there. I keep this post updated as much as I can. Some things like housing prices might have changed since (I do check on those from time to time) but the reality of living in a certain country stays the same for many years. 

The truth about living in Malta

Malta has recently become a great relocation option for all types of ex-pats. Over 300 days a year of glorious sunshine, mild winters and relaxed island life – what else could you want? But no place is perfect and everyone’s preferences are different. Depending on your needs and priorities, Malta could be the best or not such a good option.

But let’s start with the most important question.

Is Malta a Good Place to Live?

Malta is definitely a great place to live! If I had to answer in one sentence I would undoubtedly say it’s a beautiful, warm and safe corner of the European Mediterranean where life can be very enjoyable and relaxed. If what you are looking for is a warm and relaxed island life while still having access to cultural events, great entertainment and glorious food – Malta is a place for you.

But please read on, things are never this straightforward…


There Are Some Controversies…

Malta is a small island. It is made up of three main islands, which put together make it one of the smallest countries in the European Union. Given its size, it is also one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

In recent years Malta has become very popular amongst digital nomads as well as entrepreneurs wanting to base themselves in Europe. With favourable corporate taxes, Malta has welcomed a number of finance and i-gaming companies and what comes with it, a massive influx of international workers as well as economic immigrants.

This small country became home to a large number of ex-pats and immigrants which comes with its cons and pros.

The truth about living in Malta / All the pros and cons of living in Malta
The truth about living in Malta / All the pros and cons of living in Malta

Many times I heard that Malta is not what it used to be 10 or 15 years ago. And opinions on whether it’s a good or bad thing are parted. Some love how cosmopolitan and open this once very traditional country became. Others disapprove of the number of foreign nationals and the constantly changing face of the island.

Some are happy with new employment opportunities and opportunities to meet people from all over the world. Others long for a once quiet and peaceful island where everyone knew everyone.

So if you are considering moving to this sunny and interesting island here are all the pros and cons of living in Malta.

The truth about living in Malta

The Weather in Malta

The weather in Malta most of the time is glorious.

The weather is one of the biggest pros of living in Malta. You can sunbathe and swim in its warm turquoise waters as early as April all the way to mid-November. Malta enjoys around 3000 hours of sunshine per year – one of the highest in Europe. In comparison, London only enjoys around 1500 hours of sun per year.

What can I say? In Malta, you can enjoy the sun most of the year, with summer spanning over 7 months which is the biggest advantage of living in Malta.

But the weather in Malta can get crazy.

Especially in winter. With extreme weather changes, in a span of 6 hours, you can see a thunderstorm with a downpour and clear blue skies a few hours later.

Winter storms in Malta can get quite violent as well. I have heard many stories about the 2019 storm with waves so high that fish was thrown from the sea into the streets, and balconies of seaside apartments were swept away. But don’t worry -this was the biggest storm Malta has seen in 37 years.

The truth about living in Malta

Mid-summer months, especially August, can get really hot and humid.

With the sea being nearly the same temperature as the air and giving only temporary relief, air conditioning will be your best friend. Having said that, if you like hot weather – you will love it. I’d swap rainy and grey skies for a hot summer any time.

Winters in Malta

Malta enjoys very pleasant weather during winter months and often serves as a European winter sun destination.

As much as Malta enjoys mild Mediterranean winters – the indoors can get pretty cold. Houses are not made for cold weather in Malta, and at times, you will feel colder inside than outside. Comes January and February, you will wear light jackets outdoors but warm socks and woolly sweaters inside the flat. With that and high humidity, some flats are prone to collect mould too. So be aware of that when looking for an apartment!

Lifestyle, Culture and Entertainment in Malta

Although it is a small country, there is plenty to do and see in Malta. The way I see it, there are more opportunities to maintain a work-life balance in a country like Malta than in a big city like London. I know this because I’ve also lived in London.

Yes, the entertainment options are perhaps limited. There are only a few cinemas and few theatres or cultural events, but something has to give.

In a small Mediterranean country like Malta, you have countless opportunities to spend time outdoors, relax for free on the beach, or sip a G&T in one of the promenade bars while watching the boats go by. Can’t be that bad, can it?

Malta's Fireworks

Yet you’ll be surprised how much is going on in this small country and how rich in cultural events it is.

Malta’s history goes back 7,000 years, so the Maltese islands are rich in heritage. Malta’s history is fascinating and there are many archaeological sites, mediaeval monuments, museums and baroque architecture to discover.

I lived there for 2 years and still have a few unmarked sights on my do-to list. 

There are also many annual festivals combining entertainment and art with Valetta’s Notte Bianca and Malta Jazz Festival, amongst others.

Awesome Things to do in Valletta, Malta + Practical Tips

And then there is entertainment.

Did I mention already that I was never bored in Malta?

Whatever ticks your fancy you can do there. 

There are endless hiking and outdoor sports opportunities. Dining out is great in Malta with fresh seafood served in the majority of the restaurants and some of the best pizzas outside of Italy. 

Whether you’re a clubber or a laid-back beach club type, you’ll find your vibe here too. There are plenty of late bars and clubs mainly located around the Sliema and St Julian’s area, with the infamous Paceville being the centre of the clubbing scene.

For more sophisticated tastes, there are many beach clubs around the island, such as Cafe del Mar near Malta’s Aquarium or the 1926 Beach Club on Sliema waterfront.

The truth about living in Malta / All the pros and cons of living in Malta

Eating out in Malta

If you like eating out, Malta is the place to be. There are plenty of excellent restaurants all over Malta and Gozo. From sushi and traditional Maltese cuisine to fantastic Italian eateries and street food, there is something for everyone.

Malta is where I finally fell in love with pizza. I’ve never been a pizza eater; even in Italy I always opted for a pasta dish. It was in Malta that I tried a Neapolitan pizza and what can I say, my life will never be the same again.

Dining out is reasonably priced, and it was one of the main entertainments for my friends and me. You can have a nice meal with a view, with some appetizers and a bottle of wine for €20-30 per head. A budget dinner with one course and a soft drink – about €15.

Awesome Things to do in Valletta, Malta + Practical Tips

Yes, I struggled to find a salsa scene that I left behind in London and for sure, some things available in European metropolises, won’t be available here. 

The same goes for self-development, education or courses, especially for adults. I struggled for months to find flexible photography courses.

But yet again, it all comes down to your priorities. Being a small country, Malta has limited options in this area, but there is always a way. During my time in Malta, I still felt like my entertainment options were greater than they were in the small Spanish town I lived in before my relocation.

The truth about living in Malta / All the pros and cons of living in Malta

Outdoor activities in Malta.

The best thing about living in Malta are outdoor activities and a plethora of all types of beaches, picturesque coastal and country walks and of course, Comino and Gozo islands.

How about hopping on a ferry on your day off and spending a day at Comino’s Blue Lagoon, where you can take a jet ski or banana ride?

Fancy some quiet and relaxed time away from the hustle and bustle of tourist resorts? You can spend a couple of days on the charming and magical Malta’s sister island of Gozo. The possibilities are endless.

The Truth about Living in Malta / All the Pros and Cons of Living in Malta

People And the Ex-pats Community

When it comes to people, it is an even bigger mixed bag. You can really see the big gap between the older and younger generations here, especially when it comes to tolerance of other foreigners.

Don’t be surprised if someone tells you to go back to your home country as soon as you dare to complain. At the same time, people here can be very helpful and will help you more often than in other, more ‘civilised’ countries.

I could say good morning to strangers and thank a bus driver without feeling like a weirdo. People will help you on the street, whether you need directions or not feeling well. Yet they can yell at you in front of your kids for walking your dog on the sidewalk or for pretending they do not speak English when they do.

The truth about living in Malta

I guess that’s the case everywhere. People have different opinions on emigration, and the biggest difference is that in other countries they politely do not tell you to your face, but here they do.

But I must say that the vast majority of Maltese are nice and very hospitable. The younger generation, more travelled and benefiting from the influx of international businesses and people from all over the world, seem to be happy with the growing status and economic growth of their country.

I have exciting news to share with you, my travel friends!

I have just launched my own Backpacking and Budget Solo Travellers FB Group and I would love you to join me there! Travellers of all budgets and ages are welcome! I would like to create a community where we share tips and experiences and where you could ask me all travel and budget backpacking related questions!

I hope to see you there! Pati

The Expats:

There is a large community of ex-pats in Malta. People from all walks of life and for a variety of reasons choose to move to this sunny corner of Europe. If you have any questions or need advice, join the Expats Malta Facebook group. Everyone will be happy to help or give advice, whatever your query. I used the group regularly when I was not sure how to get somewhere or wanted to know where to get hardware tools.

In Malta, a lot happens on Facebook. You can find accommodation, sell, buy or swap stuff or talk about your vegan or Keto diet – there’s a FB page for everything. It’s also a great way to meet other like-minded people and get a feel for the community.

Cost of Accommodation in Malta

Malta used to be a cheap European getaway. It isn’t anymore. With some prices being comparable to London and accommodation prices soaring in recent years, it isn’t cheap to live in Malta anymore.

Of course, it depends on the perspective and where exactly are you coming from. If you compare Malta to NY, Syndey or London, it is still affordable.

If you compare it to places like Spain, it can be pretty expensive. I could rent a studio flat in Spain for €400. In Malta, the same size studio cost me €600 and currently, you need to count more like €700.

Prices increased significantly in the last few years due to the influx of Igaming and financial companies and increased demand. 

Where to live and stay in Malta

Keep in mind that prices are always negotiable. Don’t let the agency prices scare you, as you can often get the apartment much cheaper if you are prepared to negotiate hard.

Also, read on to find out about agency practices and tips for house hunting.

Please note: I will only be talking about rentals here. I have never owned a property in Malta nor did any of my friends at the time. I have no experience in purchasing a home in Malta therefore I will refrain from writing about it. 

Prices will vary depending on the location. Sliema and St Julian’s are areas most popular among international workers and digital nomads. Consequently, the prices in those areas will be much higher. Apartments with sea views or located directly on the seafront will also be more expensive.

A one-bedroom flat with a sea view in Sliema or Balluta Bay will cost you a minimum of €800 per month with the same type of apartment costing even €300 less further into the town.

If you are prepared to drive, then the further North of the island to go, the cheaper the rent will be. With that in mind, take into consideration traffic and parking problems – more on this later on.

Here is the general rental accommodation price breakdown based on size and location in Malta (Updated July 2023):

Price brackets depend on the standard and type of location (beach, amenities, views)

  • Studio flat in Sliema, Balluta Bay, Ta’ Xbiex and St Julian’s area – €500 – €700 (Msida and Gzira will be a little cheaper. The lower end will give you such a tinny apartment that you will have a toilet in the bedroom. I am not joking, in Malta everything is possible)
  • One-bedroom apartment in Sliema, Balluta Bay, Ta’ Xbiex and St Julian’s area – €650 – €900 (again Msida and Gzira will be a bit cheaper and in St Pauls area it might be ever €150 less – but in a higher end).
  • Two or three-bedroom apartments in Sliema, Balluta Bay, Ta’ Xbiex and St Julian’s area – €750 – €1500 (of course, you can pay more, all the way up to €4000 for an extra luxurious apartment with a roof terrace and swimming pool – the sky is the limit here)
  • Townhouse in Sliema, Baalluta Bay, Ta’ Xbiex and St Julian’s area – €1200 (very basic and hard to get by) – €2000 (more realistic yet you will get at least three, more often four bedrooms and at least one patio and roof terrace). A townhouse can go all the way to a few thousand a month depending on the standard.

Deduct at least €200 if you choose to rent up North or more inland like Mellieha, Mosta, Birkirkara or Bugibba.

Malta’s rental market is very peculiar. 

They are able to create a flat out of the garage, pavement or a gap between the buildings. You think I’m crazy for saying this, but go live in Malta for a while and come back to this statement. You will laugh with me about that.

So you think you found yourself a bargain (a studio for €450) just to learn that there are no windows in the flat and the toilet is in your bedroom.

But don’t worry there are also many, and I say, many amazing, brand-new apartments and stunning penthouses or townhouses in Malta.

The thing is that you will never know until you book the viewing. The apartments advertised on agencies’ websites are well gone, probably like a year ago. Once you contact the agency they will say it ‘has just gone’ but they will have something else and here the fun begins. 

You will be shown something completely different than you have originally asked for, for much more than you are prepared to pay. You have to be firm, repeat your requirements and not let them bully you to lower your standards.

Be firm and stand your ground. You will be shown the worst or most expensive first. Stick to your budget and the standard required.

The quality of rented accommodation varies greatly. Make sure you always see the apartment before renting it out. Pictures hardly ever reflect the actual state of the property. Do check if the appliances are in working order and the general condition of the apartment. Maltese landlords tend to try and minimize the amount of money they invest in rental accommodation. But you will be able to find an abundance of newly built and brand-new apartments as a new one literally appears every day.

Renting an apartment via Facebook is definitely a thing in Malta.

The third apartment I lived in was rented directly with the owner via FB listing. This way I saved on agency fees. Some say you can get a better deal this way yet you strip yourself from agency protection. It’s your choice!

Bills are most of the time charged on top of your rental price, and it is a common practice that landlords take €50 per person upfront towards the bills. But that’s practice, not law – so this can be negotiated.

€50 per person per month is, however, pretty accurate as there will be some months when you pay less and some when more (with the perfect weather during spring and autumn, there will be no need for airconditioning or heating)

A 6 to 12-month rental contract is standard and the majority of landlords will ask for one month deposit. 

The General Cost of Living in Malta

Groceries and shopping:

Malta is an island. Therefore, a lot of goods are imported – and this comes with the price. Opt for local fruits and vegetables sold directly from the vegetable vans or via local online markets like Mgar Farm. Quality will be better, and vegetables will be fresher and cheaper.

At every corner, you will be able to find either minivans or corner shops selling local produce

Market shelves are full of local but also imported goods from Italy and other neighbouring countries. There are plenty of Balkan or Eastern European products as well as UK-imported goods. But yes, you guessed it – all more expensive. Opt for local produce of which you will find plenty, in order to save money.

If you have some special dietary requirements – plenty of Vegan, Vegetarian, gluten-free, and even Keto options can be found on market shelves these days. I enjoyed the variety of products available in Maltese supermarkets more than in my own country of Poland or in Spain.

The truth about Living in Malta / All the Pros and Cons of living in Malta

You can shop cheap or expensive in Malta depending on your preferences.

When it comes to groceries and the cost of living in Malta, ex-pats claim it can be anything from €50 up to €300 per week/per person depending on your requirement. If you are willing to shop in cheaper shops like local markets or Lidl and haven’t got any specific dietary requirements – €50 per person per week is tight but doable.

Once you decide to eat more organic, maybe vegan, fancy fresh fish, imported goods or some quality red wine to go with your dinner – the cost will go up.

Good supermarkets to shop at in Malta include Lidl, Towers (formerly Carrefour), Pavi Supermarket (formerly Auchan) and Greens which is great but a bit more expensive. There is also a Pama in Mosta – an awesome one-stop supermarket village.

Are you wondering what is the best area to stay in Malta? Read my comprehensive guide detailing all the best areas in Malta to book your accommodation in!

If you are looking to hire a car in Malta, you can compare different car rental prices and deals here.

Internet and WiFi

There are three major internet and phone providers in Malta: GO, Melita, and Epic (former Vodafone).

Epic tends to offer the most reliable service in Malta, as well as many package deals. Epic is more popular for phone deals rather than stationary internet.

The most popular internet providers due to their prices are Go and Melita. GO offers free installation and Melita charges a €75 installation fee.

Monthly internet costs range from around €25 per month for the slower plans to around €45 per month for the fastest connections.

There are Free (public) Wi-Fi hotspots across all of Malta and Gozo. Currently, there are 192 free Wi-Fi spots across Malta and Gozo and most public gardens in Malta and Gozo (like the Upper and Lower Barrakka Gardens in Valletta) have free and open Wi-Fi coverage.

Wireless Internet is also widely available throughout Malta and Gozo in many hotels, restaurants and coffee shops.

Healthcare in Malta

Malta has a State Healthcare system.

Malta’s state healthcare system is available to all Maltese residents and is funded by weekly social security contributions that all employers and employees pay (dependants are covered by employed family members). Malta’s Healthcare system is also regarded to be one of the best in Europe and in 2000 was ranked fifth in the world ahead of the United States of America and of the United Kingdom.

Free state healthcare is available for:

  • All citizens of Malta.
  • Legal residents (Ordinary, Permanent or Long Term) who pay social security contributions, either employees or those who are self-employed Those deemed exempt from making social security contributions (mainly retirees.)
  • Those deemed exempt from making social security contributions (mainly retirees.)

Of course, Private Health Care is also widely available in Malta and has become increasingly popular amongst ex-pats. This article will give you more in-depth information on both state and private healthcare in Malta.

Getting Around Malta

Locals have a joke describing the Maltese style of driving, saying, “We neither drive on the left nor the right, we drive in the shade.”

Commute and transport in Malta is a broad and controversial topic. It could probably make a separate article.

Malta is a small island that has seen a significant influx of ex-pats in recent years, with infrastructure not prepared for it at all. On top of that, Maltese are well known for their love of cars, and many households own more than one vehicle. Pair this with narrow roads, minimal parking spaces and some ancient narrow roads – you get the idea.

The truth about Living in Malta / All the Pros and Cons of living in Malta

For many of my friends and myself, one of Malta’s most significant advantages is that nowhere is too far to go. After living in London for many years, I love being able to walk to work or use public transport only on special occasions.

I lived in Malta for two years – I have seen almost every corner of the island. I have not had to purchase a car or spend hours on the bus or train.

Public transport in Malta is cheap. If you get a Tallinja card, a trip will cost you €0.75. A €20 credit on a Tallinja card goes a really long way. Busses are pretty frequent yet not always reliable. They hardly ever adhere to a timetable so I wouldn’t even bother with that.

But most recently, it has definitely improved with the option of a life timetable that the Tallinja app offers. I used buses a lot and managed to get to nearly every corner of the island during my escapades.

Driving is an entirely different story.

The biggest complaint you will hear from people living in Malta is that driving here is atrocious. Roads are narrow and often not maintained for years. The driving skills of many local drivers leave much to be desired. Unfortunately, drunk driving is pretty acceptable, as well. The list could go on.

Traffic tends to be pretty bad in bigger towns. Many taxi drivers explained to me that it is mainly due to drivers not having any consideration for others.

Outside of town, some country roads can be ridiculously narrow. Two cars won’t be able to pass, so the horn is used as a notification device before each corner. Then, if there isn’t enough space, one of the cars will have to reverse until there is enough room so another vehicle can pass. This always made me laugh.

The truth about Living in Malta / All the Pros and Cons of living in Malta

We rented a car quite a few times, and I even braved driving in Malta on one occasion. I never experienced it to be so bad. Though, I have seen a car swaying out of the road for no apparent reason (hmmm…). So driving is definitely not one of the best things about living in Malta.

Luckily, there is Bolt (and now also Uber)! Ride-sharing taxi services are very popular and widely used in Malta. With very reasonable prices and great service, this was my preferred way of commuting after busses, and I never had to spend a fortune.

Getting Things Done in Malta

Things are not very efficient in Malta, and the bureaucracy is tragic.

Getting basic things done like renewing a residency card or changing the address on your ID card, or opening a bank account – can be very baffling. If only it was taking a long time – I could live with that. After living in Spain for several years, I am used to the ‘slower pace of life’. Yet when things just don’t get done or get done in a weird, unlogical way – this is just frustrating.

I set up a post redirection while I was arranging the change of address. Half of my post came to the new address and another half (later on) to the old one. Luckily a kind new tenant found me via FB and handed me my new driving license.

In order to open a bank account, a friend of mine was asked to bring hundreds of pieces of paperwork. She gave up and opened an international bank account in Poland with her ID only in minutes.

I personally had a pretty poor experience with banking in Malta. Therefore I cannot be impartial. But I have a feeling that many ex-pats share my frustration. There are two main banks in Malta – HSCB and BOV. I will not be reviewing their banking services; I will just say that I have never been this frustrated with the banking services before.

But I know plenty of people who are perfectly happy and never had any issues.

Having said that, changing my UK driving license to Maltese went pretty smoothly, so it can also be a mixed bag.

An important thing to remember is that Malta, like many other Mediterranean countries, enjoys a slower pace of life. This is what I appreciate the most about living in a country like Malta. I would not swap efficiency and lack of excess bureaucracy for the fast-paced, grey and stressed life some more ‘efficient’ countries offer.

Malta’s Development And Infrastructure

Malta has drastically changed its face in the last decade. The country is developing fast, and this also comes with its pros and cons.

With Malta being an extremely popular tourist destination – getting in and out of the country is very easy. Malta’s airport operates flights to the majority of the world’s popular destinations. Also, flights to Malta are much cheaper these days, thanks to competitive prices by low-cost airlines.

Unfortunately, with the growing popularity among international companies as well as their workers – Malta has become a perpetual building site. My heart was breaking seeing a traditional townhouse demolished for the luxury apartment or office building to be erected in its place. And I am not the only one being sad to see the unique architecture of Malta disappearing under the blanket of modern infrastructure.

The truth about Living in Malta / All the Pros and Cons of living in Malta

The biggest complaint among ex-pats living in Malta (and everyone, really) is a constant view of construction, cranes and building sites accompanied by dust and noise. If you moved to a lovely, quiet penthouse today, the chances are that in a few weeks, there will be a construction site growing right next to you.

Hopefully, in the future, we will see some legislation protecting both Maltese architectural heritage as well as the quantity and quality of investment and construction in Malta.

Bottom Line

I really enjoyed my time in Malta. It is a beautiful country with the best sunsets I have seen in Europe. Its sea is incredible and weather to die for. I felt safe, welcomed and very well entertained.

If you fancy relocating to Malta I have one piece of advice – just do it!

Try it for yourself and see if this is your corner of the world. There is always something to complain about, no country is perfect. Important is to find what ticks your fancy, and who knows, Malta might be just that 🙂

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