I launched a travel blog and then came the pandemic

I launched a travel blog and then came the pandemic

I started a travel blog and then came the pandemic. The limits that were imposed on my life, opened a new door and expanded possibilities for growth and discovery.

In January 2020 I launched my travel blog. I had all my travels planned and could not be more excited. I decided I wanted to share my travel experience with those who share my passion and was excited to see how I and the blog will grow as I travel the world and learn more about myself.

And then came the pandemic.

All my travel plans got cancelled. First, before this even happened, I didn’t manage to board the plane to Bangkok and I thought of it as an absolute disaster.

Little did I know the worst was still to come. While with a heavy heart, I postponed my Thailand travels until the beginning of 2021 I planned my Italy and Polish mountains trip for the spring. I was super excited about all the wonderful photos I would take. Could not wait to revisit the places I did not appreciate enough during previous visits and write all these great travel stories.

Yes, you guessed it. This didn’t happen either. In March 2020 Europe and the rest of the world went into lockdown.

And as I felt utter frustration, I was also devastated to watch what was happening around the world. It felt selfish to be sad about my plans not coming to fruition when I saw the world suffering and reality for many changing for unforeseeable future

Moreover, how do you carry on producing a travel blog, when you are just at the start of your journey and travel is impossible? How do you share your travel stories when you can hardly travel to the store across the street?

Yet, when I started my travel blog and the pandemic came – I didn’t give up. I believed I found my calling and was not prepared to give it up.

When times are testing – it’s when we know how much we really want something. When you don’t have what you like, you like what you have. When you can’t change your reality you need to learn to accept it and grow in this space.

Hence I continued with my venture. I probably would never have written so many articles and guides about Malta if it weren’t for travel restrictions. This also made me really go out there and explore the island and appreciate the country I live in.

But what’s more, I learnt that I wanted to share more than just my travel stories, tips and guides. I wanted to share more of myself. I had all the time in the world to take another journey – this within me. I was hoping that maybe my journey would be an inspiration to those of you who are hesitant in taking your own first step.

And in this, I went against all the ‘official advice’

If you also, like me, are an inspiring blogger, you probably heard this advice as well.

Find your niche.

Specify what you are willing to share and be as niche as possible in order to succeed. And this advice was a bit disheartening for me. How can I focus on one thing if it goes against who I am? I love everything. Hmmm.. nearly. I’m passionate about travel, learning new skills but also food and self-development. I’m into a healthy lifestyle and spiritual development. I m an advocate for mental health and conscious, sustainable living. How can I be just one thing? How can my blog be just one thing if I want my blog to be me?

I came to the realisation that this is my niche. Pati. The dreamer, the explorer, the restless soul and the seeker of truth. And if this doesn’t ‘sell’ – so be it!

How can I truly say my blog is my passion and that I want to reach the community of like-minded souls if I focus on ‘what ‘sells’? And isn’t this what is wrong with the world these days? Delivering products that sell but have no people’s well-being at heart? Selling dreams that will produce revenue?

The true harmony is in the balance of all that we are. The life balance should depend on truth and kindness. I don’t want to offer a ‘product’ that I don’t truly believe in. I don’t want to be offering a ‘product’ at all! Yes, if I want to reach the audience I desire I need to have a business mind also – but I truly believe that whilst thinking of SEO, marketing plans and all the logistics involved – we can still stay true to who we are. And what’s more – we should. The world needs more of it right now.

So as I am not able to travel right now, I am not giving up on my dreams of seeing the world. Yet somehow the purpose of it has changed.

Previously I wanted to see the world in order to experience new lands and share it with the world. Now, I want to go out there and get to know myself more. Find my inner truth. And I know going outside of my comfort zone, exploring new lands and cultures, doing it all by myself and facing my inner fears – will help me discover who I really am.

But for now, I am doing it here, in this little beautiful corner of the world which is Malta. And in my head and soul.

Consequently, when I will share the story, recipe, or anything else with you – it will be because I lived it, tasted it and felt it and I deem it worth sharing with people. I want my journey to be my path to happiness and freedom and if anything I say here will help you too – my mission is complete.

The conclusion?

If you make plans and the whole world goes upside down – it might be just a beginning, not the end. I believe that once we take on any journey, the road will always wind in directions we didn’t expect. And we find people, events, and emotions that we would never come across if we didn’t make this first move. I try not to have any expectations. I enjoy the journey and I’m really looking forward to seeing where it’s going to take me.

Open that door, and make the first step. You will never regret it. You will regret it if you won’t.

And feel free to comment below – I would love to hear your thoughts!

Update January 2024 – I am reading this 3 years later. A lot has changed since I wrote this post. I have changed as a blogger and learned so much! But a lot has not changed and with this, my passion for this blog and sharing my stories, guides and tips with you! 


  1. although I felt sorry for you in the beginning, I am so happy that you’ve turned things significantly around, and cudos to you for that!
    thank you so much for sharing this fantastic post!

    1. patisjourneywithin says:

      Thank you! This is what we need to do these days, play with what we have and never give up 🙂

  2. A great example of positive thinking, turning the lemon into lemonade.

    1. patisjourneywithin says:

      Doing my best 🙂 Thank you!

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