Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time traveller Bangkok Guide

Travelling to Bangkok for the First Time? Here is Your Complete Guide!

Are you travelling to Bangkok for the first time? In this complete and essential guide, you will find everything you need to know before and during your solo Bangkok trip, whether you are a seasoned traveller or travel solo for the first time!

Ps. I am super proud of this guide. This is something I would like to read before my first trip to Bangkok. For real, I put my whole heart into it. Be gentle with me 🙂

Bangkok is a wonderfully chaotic city where the ancient meets the modern, luxury is made affordable and backpacking is taken to the next level. 

If you’ve found yourself on this page, it’s likely you decided to make the trip to Bangkok a reality and now that you have your ticket booked you feel excited yet overwhelmed and nervous.

Where do I even start? What do I need to know?

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time traveller Bangkok Guide

I feel you. As a solo budget traveller myself and someone who believes that the heart of a city is best discovered when you navigate its streets alone, I was there. I regularly find myself for the first time in a new country, on a new continent and in unfamiliar circumstances. 

But this Bangkok trip was 4 years in the making for me. I planned this journey for the first time four years ago, only to see it cancelled for reasons we’re all too familiar with. But it finally happened and to make up for it I spent almost 2 weeks in Bangkok exploring the well-known and hidden sights and taking on the city with everything that it has to offer. 

Whether you are a seasoned solo pro or you are travelling solo for the first time – this Bangkok guide is for you. You will find out everything you need to know for your first ever solo trip to Bangkok.

Starting from the airport, how to get out of there, how to use public transport, where to book your accommodation, what to eat, where to shop, scams to avoid and what are some of the must-visit Bangkok attractions.

This is your complete and essential roadmap to solo travel to Bangkok for the first time.

The three most important things you have to consider before travelling to Bangkok for the first time that might make or break your experience are:

  • Give yourself enough time in this massive city. Bangkok is the city that is best taken in slowly and most likely you will be pretty jetlagged too.
  • Choose the right area to stay in Bangkok, especially when you are travelling for the first time!
  • Choose the right time of the year for your Bangkok trip. Although the rainy season can be great for your pocket and even experience, but in Bangkok, when it rains, it pours.

Best Time to Visit Bangkok

It is always hot in Bangkok but sometimes it’s very rainy. And some months can also be unbearably hot and humid so choosing the right time to visit Bangkok is important. Especially if there is some type of weather that you cannot stand. 

The best time to visit Bangkok is during the dry and cool season which typically lasts from November to February. This is also considered to be a high season in Thailand so the prices will be higher and there will be many more visitors. 

The hot season runs from March to May and is characterised by high temperatures, minimal breeze and no rain. I did not travel during this time, and to be frank I am not sure if I want to. 

Finally, there is the wet season which is dominated by the southwest monsoon and causes daily rainfalls and high humidity.

Monsoon season start and end varies slightly depending on the region but typically starts in May and ends in October. It tends to run a bit later into the year the more south of Thailand you go. 

I found the rainy season to be quite uncomfortable, especially in Bangkok. But you do get quite a lot of sunshine, as well as cheaper prices and fewer tourists so if you don’t mind the rain, then that might be not a bad time to visit.

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Things to Know Before Travelling to Bangkok For the First Time

Check if You Need a Visa

This varies depending on which country you are from, but you don’t want to be surprised at the airport. I know it sounds obvious, but you would be surprised.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Many countries require your passport to be valid for at least 6 months. I’ve heard of travellers being turned away for this reason.

The next one is easy – find out if you need a visa by just going to the Thai embassy or consulate in your country or visiting the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand. You will find all the information there. 

The easy way to find out if you need a visa for any country is to Google: Do Polish/UK/US/Malesian (you get the just) need a visa to enter Thailand? The first result will most often be an answer from the official Thai embassy or consulate in your country.

In case you need a visa then, on this same website you will find out how to apply. Boom!

What to Pack for Bangkok

It is always hot in Bangkok so pack light and breathable clothing. Light floaty trousers, breathable tops and comfy shoes. There are plenty of amazing shopping malls in Bangkok so if you are planning to enjoy some shopping leave a space in your bag.

A few things that I recommend packing for Bangkok are:

  • Long pants, dresses or scarves for temples. Your knees and shoulders need to be covered when visiting temples so I always carried with me a light linen shirt and wore floaty pants when I knew I might be sightseeing. 
  • Sunscreen – those are expensive in Thailand and many skin products have whitening agents.
  • Rain poncho or umbrella – it can rain heavily in Bangkok. But if you don’t want to pack it don’t worry. You will get it cheap at every 7-Eleven.
  • Comfortable and breathable walking shoes
  • Light sweater or a jumper for longer bus journeys. The AC in those vehicles can be set up to some crazy low temperatures.
  • Insect Repellent. But you can also get really good ones in every 7-Eleven again. So if you forget to pack it, don’t worry.
  • Microfibre Face towel. Yes, I know it’s unusual but trust me! My face was sweating all the time and I most regretted that I didn’t have one of those small microfibre face towels to keep it dry and clean. 
  • Power adapter suitable for Thailand. This is the best one!

How Many Days Should You Stay in Bangkok

Allow time to get over the jetlag!

Many travellers decide to visit Bangkok for just one night, maybe two. Keep in mind that, especially if you are travelling from the time zone behind Bangkok, jet lag is a real thing.

I felt like crap after arriving in Bangkok, even though I’m normally quite good with jet lag. I couldn’t sleep and then had trouble waking up before noon, I got a cold from the temperature change between the metro and the outside world, and I got allergies from the air pollution. All at once. 

You may not experience any of those things but you also may. Allow yourself a couple of days to adjust.

Also, Bangkok is a very big city. Like, really big! And it can take ages to get from one place to another. If you want to actually see some sights and experience the city, I would say a 4-night stay is a minimum. 

Me exhausted after arriving in Bangkok and navigating public transport after 12 hour flight / Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo
This is me, exhausted after arriving in Bangkok and navigating public transport after 12 hour’s flight / Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the First time Solo

Currency and ATM Withdrawals in Thailand

  • The official currency of Thailand is the Thai Baht (THB). It’s advisable to have some Thai Baht in cash for small expenses, especially in markets and smaller establishments.
  • I found it quite easy to use my debit card in Bangkok but less so in the rest of the country. In Bangkok, you can pay by card in the majority of the restaurants and supermarkets but smaller or local restaurants, corner shops, night markets and street food stalls will only accept cash.
  • Larger hostels will accept card payments but with hostels, it is a hit-and-miss. I could pay by card in some but others would accept only cash. So I would say in Bangkok it is a 50/50 ratio of cash to card. 
  • ATMs are widely available in Bangkok, especially in popular tourist areas. You can withdraw Thai Baht using international debit or credit cards. Unfortunately, all ATM operators and banks in Thailand will charge you 220 Baht for a withdrawal. 

If you are coming with cash like USD or Euros you can exchange them on your arrival in Bangkok. Just don’t do it at the airport. It will be more expensive there. 

You will find the best rates at Currency Exchange shops like SuperRich (both orange and green), Twelve Victory and X ONE Currency (which I used to get my Malaysian money). 

Unfortunately, I had to withdraw the money from the ATM as I was travelling from the Balkans and simply didn’t have a currency that would be accepted. But if you have an option to bring USD, UK Pounds or Euros, do so! You will save a lot of money!

Me exhausted after arriving in Bangkok and navigating public transport after 12 hour flight / Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo

It’s Better Not to Drink Tap Water in Bangkok

Although in theory, it is safe to drink tap water in Bangkok, I would not recommend it. The majority of hotels and hostels provide filtered drinking water free of charge. Bring your water bottle and you are safe and sorted. 

Important Customs to Know When Visiting Bangkok (And Thailand as a Whole).

Respect The King

Respecting the monarchy is integral to Thai culture, so please avoid making disrespectful comments or gestures about the royal family.

Any criticism or disrespect towards the royal family, whether verbal or written, is strictly prohibited by lèse-majesté laws. This includes public displays, such as standing during the national anthem played before events.

Images of the monarch on currency, photographs, or other representations must be treated with utmost respect, and vandalising them is considered offensive. The penalties for violating these laws are severe, including imprisonment!

Take off your shoes when asked

It doesn’t matter how strange it feels to you or how unusual it is where you come from. Taking off your shoes when asked to do so, for example before entering a house, a hotel, a temple or even some businesses, shows respect for the Thai people and their culture.

Dress appropriately, especially when visiting temples and places of worship.

You are fine walking around Bangkok in shorts and many travellers as well as locals do so. But when visiting temples, you must cover your shoulders and knees, and this is a rule for both men and women. It is a good practice to always carry something to cover up with, in case you find yourself near a place of worship you want to visit.

Please note that other parts of Thailand are often more traditional – dressing in a more conservative way will be a way to show you respect for the local culture.

The Most Common Health Issues Travellers to Bangkok Experience

Gastrointestinal Issues (stomach bug)

This is often caused by consuming contaminated food or water. But also the change in diet, exposure to new bacteria, and unhygienic food handling practices.

The spice is the real thing and I know too well it can cause issues too. Although I love spicy food I tend to ask for ‘medium spicy’ just to avoid ‘the issues’. *wink

Although I love seafood I hardly ever had prawns or fish from a night market or a street food stall. I was never sure how long it was sitting there, although those are often placed on ice, I didn’t want to risk it. If I wanted to be adventurous, I ate at the food courts in many of Bangkok’s shopping malls. 

But don’t be paranoid. I didn’t get sick in Thailand even once! And I ate a lot of street food. Just always from a very busy place and as I mentioned, I avoided fish from the street markets.

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo

Mosquito bites and mosquito-borne diseases.

This is what I was worried about the most and the main reason why I always recommend getting travel insurance (as well as scooter accidents). 

I never had a dengue fever but heard from those who did that it’s no fun. Protect yourself from bites by using mosquito repellant. But you don’t have to go crazy with high deet. In fact, it is a very strong chemical and I tend to avoid it. I used good natural repellants in both SEA and Latin America and they worked very well. 

Buy one in 7-Eleven when you arrive in Bangkok. This one worked for me very well!


Rabies is present in Thailand, including Bangkok, and is a concern for travellers. There are many strait dogs in Thailand and SEA in general.

And I get it. You are an animal lover and want to stroke those poor dogs. I have a heart too and I feel sorry for them too. For real. But I also don’t want to get bitten.

I met 2 travellers who got bitten by a dog and they had to take a series of 5 injections within one one-month period. 

Are you looking for more of the off-the-beaten-path destination in Thailand? Then you should definitely visit the incredibly authentic town of Phitsanuklok! And while there be sure to visit Sukhothai Historical Park on a day trip!

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo

Is Bangkok Safe for Solo Travellers?

Bangkok is very safe for solo travellers.

Thailand is generally a recommended destination for first-time solo travellers and although Bangkok can feel overwhelming it is very safe and it is a fantastic choice if you are travelling on your own.

There are many great hostels where you can meet other backpackers and save money at the same time. I walked the streets of Bangkok both during the day and in the evening and never felt unsafe.

As everywhere you need to be aware and use common sense.  Pickpocketing as well as typical tourist scams can happen. Also, I always recommend minding your alcohol consumption and always ordering a drink that is open in front of you. 

Although it wasn’t in Thailand but in KL Malaysia, I met a traveller whose drink was spiked and he was then attacked and ended up in a hospital without any recollection of what happened. 

The rule of thumb is don’t go alone into very empty and dark streets, be aware of typical scams, keep your belongings close to your body and don’t get drunk. If you follow those instructions you will be fine everywhere. I have been travelling solo for many years now, and I follow my own advice and nothing bad has ever happened to me.

Did you get your travel insurance yet?

Travel Insurance will let you travel with the peace of mind knowing that no matter what, your unexpected medical or travel emergencies are covered. I use Heymondo for a few reasons. They have clear policies with no deductibles, the price is excellent for what they offer and the price doesn’t go up when you are over 30 years old. They have a dedicated, easy-to-use app and free assistance calls.

I can get a cover for a month or three months and I know I can travel with peace of mind and get the best product for my money.

Heymondo offers my readers 5% off so go ahead, and click on this link and get your quote.

Is Bangkok Really That Cheap?

It can be but it can also be a bit expensive.

Bangkok can be a very cheap holiday destination if you use public transport and eat locally – at the night markets, local corner restaurants and food stalls.

You can get a full meal in a small local restaurant (most of the time on the street somewhere) for as little as $1,20 and you can grab a street food snack for less than that. 

But I found some things to be a bit pricier in Bangkok and Thailand in general. By pricier I mean closer to European prices. 

Cool and quirky cafes will be a bit more expensive experience, and so will restaurants serving Western food. I am a coffee addict but was also on a very strict budget while in Bangkok, so I was suffering a bit. But the amount of cheap street food I had was insane! And incredible!

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time traveller Bangkok Guide

I actually noted my expenses during this trip so I am able to give you a rough budget depending on your travel style.

So what is the daily budget for travelling to Bangkok?

Shoestring Backpacker – 800 to 1000Baht (€20to€25) per day which would include a cheaper hostel for up to €10 per night, food transport, and a few entrance fees.

You can make it as low as 600Baht but this is not a living. Trust me I tried. For around €25 ($28) a day you can have a pretty decent stay but you will have to stay in hostels. Which by the way are pretty good in Bangkok. 

Flashpacker – 1000 to 1600Baht per day. This would include a better hostel, some meals in western restaurants, a few drinks every now and then and maybe one organised tour.

Midrange yet frugal Traveller – 1200 to 1600Baht.

The cheapest and decent private room in a good location I found in Bangkok was around  €14 ($15) then if you are frugal add around €10 for your daily expenses. 

An average traveller in Bangkok who stays in a mid-range hotel or guest house, likes street food and night markets but wants to eat in a better restaurants few times, have a beer or two and take an organised tour should account for a daily budget of 2000 to 3000Baht per day. 

If you want to stay in a more luxurious hotel, eat mostly in restaurants and take taxis rather than use public transport and take advantage of many organised tours then you should budget at least 5000 baht per day. 

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo

Pati’s Usuful Tip: I never took a tuk-tuk in Bangkok. I had my fair share of tuk-tuk rides in South America and I was well aware that those in SAE are mostly a scam. I don’t part with my money easily. I mostly travelled by train or metro and if I really needed to, a Grab taxi. The one time I took a tuk-tuk in Thailand was in Phitsanulok when it was booked for me by the hostel owner who said that the price was set. 

Most Typical Tourist Scams to Be Aware of in Bangkok

Taxi Meter Scams:

  • Some taxi drivers may refuse to use the meter or insist on a fixed fare rather than charging based on the metered distance. In some cases, the taxi driver can even refuse to give you a change. This way or another, you will always lose the money.

How to avoid it: Don’t use regular taxis. Use Grab once you are already in Bangkok and use the designated taxi stand at the airport where you will collect a ticket and get into the licenced taxi with the meter on.

Tuk-Tuk Scams:

  • Tuk-tuk drivers may offer a very cheap or even free ride, but they might take you to gem shops, tailor stores, or other places where they receive a commission. Or in another case, the price of a ride might be just very inflated.

How to avoid it: It’s best to negotiate the fare upfront and specify your destination. Be firm. Tuk Tuks are fun and part of the Bangkok experience but always agree to the price before the ride. 

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo

Grand Palace Scams:

  • Scammers may approach you near popular attractions like the Grand Palace, claiming that the site is closed for a special event or holiday. They’ll offer to take you to other attractions, temples or shops.

Grand Palace is never closed. I mean it is open within the official opening hours. Around the Historical Old Town area of Bangkok, I avoided tuk-tuks altogether.

Well-spoken extremely friendly local scam:

  • These scammers are exceptionally well-spoken, often speaking fluent English, and may approach you with a friendly demeanour. The goal is to gain your trust and eventually convince you to visit certain businesses or attractions where they receive a commission or kickback.

How to avoid it: I am not saying don’t talk to strangers. Thai people are very friendly. But be vigilant and if they want to take you somewhere, show you something or anything of the nature, just don’t go. This takes us to another one.

Ping Pong Show Scam:

  • Typically around Patpong market you might be stopped and invited to a Ping Pong Show which is basically and sex show where girls perform various ‘tricks’. A random guy on the street will approach you and offer you and deal of 100 Baht per drink and ‘no cover charge’. Although it seems like a good deal, the final bill you will receive will be a few thousand Baht. You will be asked to pay for each of the girl’s drinks and a  ‘looking fee’.

How to avoid it: Don’t go to Ping Pong show?

Where to Stay in Bangkok for the First Time

Please choose your location wisely. Those who didn’t enjoy their stay in Bangkok most of the time stayed in a hotel in the middle of nowhere, with no access to public transport and nothing going on around. 

I have a whole article about the best places to stay in Bangkok but my main advice is to choose accommodation within walking distance from either MRT or BTS train. I will talk about public transport later on in the article.

The most recommended areas to stay in Bangkok for the first time will be Santhorn, Silom, Siam, Sukhothai and Bangkok Old Town. But which is the best will depend on your travel style and budget.  

When you book your accommodation on a platform like for example, once you find the hotel you like, open the map (in the app). It will show how close the MRT or BTS line is. Also, read the reviews. many travellers mention in the reviews how was the area and how far was the metro or BTS station. 

Pati’s Useful Tip: Try to book your flight so you arrive in Bangkok during the day. For two reasons. First, it will be easier to handle the jet lag. Second: it’s safer and easier to use means of public transport during the day. It took me over an hour to get to my accommodation. This is better done during the day.

How to Get From Bangkok Airport to Your Accommodation

There are a few ways you could get from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport to your accommodation. 

The easiest yet the most expensive one is by taxi. First, head to the Arrivals Hall on the first floor and just follow the signs indicating “Public Taxi”. the licenced Bangkok airport taxis all look the same and are yellow and green. 

Over there you will find an official taxi service desk where you will order your taxi.

Once you have given them your direction they will hand you the ticket with the queue number which you will show to the driver. Although those drivers need to turn the meter on, always double-check. If the driver refuses to turn the meter on, change the taxi. 

Pati’s Useful Tip: If it’s your first time arriving at the airport in a more ‘exotic’ country there are things you need to be aware of. There will be individuals who approach you offering taxi services. Sometimes you will hear ‘taxi taxi’, sometimes they will just come to you. Never take those taxis unless there is no other way. They are 99.9% of the time a rip-off. But if you have to, always agree on the price before the journey.

The best and cheapest (almost) way of getting from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport to your accommodation is by train. Airport Rail Link connects the airport to Bangkok city centre, and from there, you can transfer to either BTS or MRT.

If you are staying in the center of Bangkok it’s best to travel to Makkasan or Phaya Thai station.

Bangkok transport map is easy to read and the whole system is one of the best I have used worldwide. trust me you will use it twice and you will be a pro!

Check on the regular map where your hotel or hostel is located and what is the nearest station. 

Solo Travelling to Bangkok for the First Time

You see, in the picture above I marked with a heart the hostel I was staying at. As you can see there are 2 BTS stations nearby. The MRT station is a bit more far. So I was aiming to arrive at Saint Luis station which was the one to the left. 


The burgundy line is the Airport Rail link. I travelled to Makkasan where I changed to MRT to Sala Deang. I followed the signs for BTS (MRT is the blue line and BTS are the two green ones). At Sala Deand I got on the BRT to Saint Luis.

I know it sounds complicated. It wasn’t. It was long but not complicated. Everything is very well marked and did I mention already that I loved Bangkok’s public system?

I loved it even more after staying in Kuala Lumpur!

Finally, the cheapest way to get to your accommodation from Suvarnabhumi Airport is by bus. You can choose to take one of the S1 Airport Shuttle Buses which costs only 60baht. Which really isn’t going to be much cheaper than the train and MRT. 

The shuttle bus runs every day between 6 am and 8 pm and it leaves every 30 minutes from the Arrival Area at Gate 7 on the Second Level (1st floor)

The bus stops at Yommarat Junction, Lan Luang Rd, Phan Fa, Democracy Monument, Wat Bowonniwet, Khao San Rd, and the north end of Sanam Luang. So if your hotel is near those stops this could be a good option for you. 

This however is the least convenient and pretty long way. The bus will stop many times along the way and I truly don’t recommend it.  The only case that the bus would be convenient is if you stayed around Khao San Rd as this area is pretty hard to get to otherwise. 

Pati’s Useful Tip: There is one thing I recommend you do before even leaving the airport. Get a SIM card. The mobile operator shops are located on the same floor as arrivals and you will have a few of them to choose from. You will need your passport to purchase a Thai SIM card. The operator I recommend is TrueMove. 

I got the 15-day sim with unlimited internet for 600Baht and the lady in the shop did everything for me including registering and downloading the app! After 15 days I topped up and chose an internet package on the app. It’s really easy.

Getting Around Bangkok

The best way to get around Bangkok is by its amazing public transport. You can use MRT (Metro), BTS (Sky train) or even public ferries on the river!

Google Maps worked incredibly well for me in Bangkok when planning trips via public transport. Yet it often suggested busses which I wasn’t too keen on. So I learned to look at the map and search for the nearest sky train or metro station instead.

I wrote a whole separate post about how to navigate around public transport in Bangkok. 

Bangkok is massive and overwhelming. Seeing all the sights and attractions may seem like an impossible task. And to be frank, it is. Create your itinerary wisely and group your activities by area. 

I would normally mark everything I want to see on Google Maps even before I arrive. then  I would choose one area at a time and visit places from this area first. It will take time to get from one place to another in Bangkok.

My map would look like the one I pasted below. I would choose which cluster of attractions I want to see and head over there. This way you can walk and don’t have to worry about public transport for some time at least.  

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time traveller Bangkok Guide

Are you heading south of Thailand next?

Be sure to read my guide to things to do in Ao Nang and Krabi Town, and if you are unsure which one you should choose – head over to this article.

Or maybe you want to explore all of Karabi but aren’t sure where to stay? I got you covered too!

Dreaming of visiting Koh Tao but you’re not sure if you can afford it? read my post about how to visit Koh Tao on a shoestring budget!

And if you are travelling onwards to Malaysia, read my posts about getting from Hat Yai to Penang!

Top Things to Do When Travelling to Bangkok For the First Time

OK, so you arrived in Bangkok and got to your hotel safely. You are showered, had a nap and are ready to explore. 

There are tonnes and I mean truly infinitive amount of things to do in Bangkok and a life wouldn’t be enough to see it all. 

But there are must-dos and must-sees in Bangkok especially if you are in Bangkok for the first time.

Here are the top things to do and places to see in Bangkok. A Bangkok Bucket list of sorts:

Wat Arun!

This is my favourite temple ever! Wat Arun also known as the Temple of Dawn is in my opinion the most beautiful temple to visit in Bangkok, especially just before sunset!

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo

Eat in China Town

I mean, what can I say? China Town is foodies’ heaven! Be sure you go on an empty stomach and stop by some official Michelin-recognised stalls like Nai Mong Hoi Thod, Charoen Saeng or Pa Tong Go Savoey for doughnuts!

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo

See The Grand Palace

can you tell you have been to Bangkok if you didn’t see the Grand Palace? Explore the opulent Palace, a stunning complex of temples and halls, including the famous Wat Phra Kaew, which houses the Emerald Buddha.

Visit Floating Market

One of the most iconic things to do in Bangkok is visiting one of Bangkok’s floating markets. But choose wisely as some of them are very touristy. Especially the most popular The Damnoen Saduak Floating Market.

Rather search for those less popular like Amphawa, Taling Chan  or Khlong Lat Mayom Floating Market 

Experience Bangkok’s Night Markets

This is my all-time favourite thing to do in Bangkok. Visiting as many night markets as possible, strolling along its stalls and trying the incredible foods! 

Some of the most popular night markets in Bangkok include ChangChui Creative Park, Pratunam Night Market, The One Ratchada and of course, the famous Chatuchak Weekend Market, which is a destination on its own.

Visit Chatuchak Market

This most popular Bangkok market is open only on the weekends. Spare a half day for that one!

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time traveller Bangkok Guide

Eat at One of Bangkok’s Shopping Mall Food Courts

If night markets intimidate you or you are not sure how fresh the food is, then head to any of the large shopping malls in Bangkok. You will always find a whole floor dedicated to restaurants and those are both cheap and amazing! This is where a lot of both locals and travellers eat as those are always air-conditioned too.

Prices are as low, and even sometimes lower than at popular night markets, and you will find so many different dishes to choose from, that it will make you dizzy!

The most popular include Pier 21 at Terminal 21 Mall, Food Avenue on the 5th floor and the MBK  (my favourite) or the more sophisticated Siam Paragon. But almost every larger mall will have one!

Eat Mango Sticky Rice

Iconic Thai dessert of mango, sticky rice and delicious coconut sauce!

This most popular Bangkok market is open only on the weekends. Spare a half day for that one!

Eat the Street Food (anywhere)

Do I need to say more?

Hang Out at Lumphini Park

Lumpini Park is the largest and most popular park in Bangkok, located in the city centre. You will find jogging paths, paddleboats on the lake, and open spaces for picnics. Tai Chi classes and outdoor workouts are common sights in the park.

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo

Try Durian

At your own risk. I can’t stand durian! But I guess you have to try to know hahaha

Fall in Love with Coconut Icecream

This one is just amazing. The very first time I had coconut ice cream was at Chatuchak market and my taste buds exploded! Those are the best ice cream I have ever had! Ever!

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time travelleGuide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time traveller Bangkok Guider Bangkok Guide

Take a River Boat

But skip the expensive touristy cruise. Unless it’s your thing. Take a commuter boat to Wat Arun or Icosiam instead.

Ok, sometimes it’s fine to just tag along and do touristy things. Fine, I admit. There are a few tours and experiences in Bangkok you should consider and probably a cool evening boat cruise like this one is one of them. 

Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time traveller Bangkok Guide

Shop at One of Bangkok’s Massive Shopping Malls

I have this thing. I like visiting malls and supermarkets in a new city or a new country. But even If you are nothing like me, shopping malls in Bangkok are just something else. And as an added bonus most of them have amazing very affordable food courts!

Some of the best shopping malls in Bangkok include Iconsiam, Siam Paragon, CentralWorld, MBK Center and Terminal 21.

Have a Cocktail at a Rooftop Bar

Sunsets in Bangkok are spectacular (if it doesn’t rain). So be sure to see at least one of them from a rooftop bar like Sky Bar at Lebua State Tower, Vertigo and Moon Bar or Octave Rooftop Lounge and Bar.

Have a Thai Massage

Experience the art of traditional Thai massage, which involves a combination of stretching, acupressure, and yoga-like movements. Some say it’s one of the best things to do in Thailand in general!

See More Temples

You cannot see them all but try at least one or two. There are so many incredible temples in Bangkok but I would say, don’t overdo it.

The few temples that I recommend are

  • Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn)
  • Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha)
  • Wat Pho (Temple of the Reclining Buddha)
  • Wat Benchamabophit (Marble Temple)
  • Wat Saket (Golden Mount)
  • Wat Suthat Thepwararam
Guide to Travelling to Bangkok for the first time Solo / First time traveller Bangkok Guide

Uff! I know, this was a long Bangkok travel guide! But If you are travelling to Bangkok for the first time there is a lot to cover.

I hope you found it useful! Please let me know if this was helpful and if you think I should cover something else! I want this Bangkok guide to be the best and most helpful!

Have an amazing time in Bangkok!

Happy travels!

This post may contain affiliate links which means that if you purchase the product or make a booking via one of my links, I will receive a small commission. Please know that I will never recommend or promote a product I don’t believe in or haven’t used. This way, you are supporting this blog at no extra cost to you. Thank you!


  1. This was the most informative blog I’ve read about Bangkok and I’ve been researching for weeks now. Thank you! Saving this to reference back to when planning out my trip.

    1. patisjourneywithin says:

      I am super happy I could help Juli! Enjoy Bangkok!

  2. Hey! I really enjoyed reading your post and recommendations. As a travel blogger myself, I really wanted ti give you a big shoutout an thank you for giving me tips to plan my trip to BKK

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