Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and Cons of Guatemala Caribbean Town of Livingston

This is your complete and totally honest guide to Livingstone on the Carribean coast of Guatemala.

The majority of travellers pass by Livingston on their way to Honduras. Other than that, Livingston isn’t one of the most popular tourist destinations in Guatemala. Partly because it is hard to get to and slightly out of the typical backpacking itinerary. But is Livingston worth a visit? Are all the stories about dirty beaches true? Should you give this Caribbean town in Guatemala a go?

I spent a month in Livingston as a volunteer, therefore I had all the time in the world to explore and make my own mind. I probably know a little bit more about the town than the usual backpacker staying there for one night. The travellers I met there also had very split opinions. Some loved it, and some hated it and ran away the next day.

So what is the truth about Livingston, and what can you expect if you decide to travel there?

Is Livingston worth visiting?

I definitely think Livingston is worth visiting if you are looking to experience a different face of Guatemala. Livingston is the only place in Guatemala where you can experience Garifuna culture and fascinating town dynamics.

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston
Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

Livingston is a different kind of Caribbean. Not what you would imagine when thinking of the ‘Caribbean coast’. The beaches aren’t to die for, and although Garifunas are being used to attract tourists to the area, they are very much marginalised.

This town is real and for real travellers. Unpolished, raw, rough around the edges. You have to be prepared for uncharted territories, enjoy discovering other cultures and not be scared of meeting a very simple life face to face.

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

Also, before judging, try to understand. I had a guest in a hotel complaining that she was ripped off by a tuk-tuk driver and decided to dislike the town because of it. Isn’t this the case everywhere in Latin America? Are you blaming people that sometimes earn a little over 100 euros a month that they are trying to make as much money as possible? Yes, for them, we are privileged gringos. And it doesn’t matter how tight your budget is. You are still privileged. You could travel outside of your own country and see the world. And if you are on a tight budget – haggle and ask for the price upfront.


There are many wonderful things about Livingston. To start with – the journey there (especially if you are coming from Rio Dulce) is breathtaking. I read an opinion that this journey is not all that – I couldn’t disagree more. I was mesmerised by the beauty of the river. The lush jungle surrounding its banks, numerous hostels and restaurants sat on the water and gorgeous lake – you couldn’t ask for a better journey to your destination.

There are also a few great trips and activities you could do while in Livingston. Like hiking to the Siete Altares or a day boat trip to Playa Blanca – a truly outstanding beach. In fact, it is one of the best beaches in Guatemala.

I admit the beaches in town are littered with plastic bottles, bags, shoes and all other possible rubbish. It’s heartbreaking seeing this, especially since more commercial beaches in the area are kept clean. So it definitely has something to do with the lack of investment and lack of sense of ownership from the local community.

Livingston is a town of extremes. You will meet extremely kind people eager to tell you about the town and welcome you to the community. You will witness the very simple way of life, where women gather and wash their clothes by hand on the street, and people try anything to make some money in every possible way to support their families.


The town centre doesn’t boast cute and quirky restaurants or colourful buildings, and I only found one place where I could have a drink, and I didn’t feel completely out of place (apart from my hotel, of course). But it has this special vibe which I really enjoyed. I have never been to a place like this, and my Guatemala experience wouldn’t have been full if I never visited Livingston.


From the yummy and extremely sweet granizadas served from small trollies where the ice is crashed by this old school machine, to colourful tuk-tuks and ladies insisting on braiding my hair. Every single time I passed by. From eating Tapado (probably the best seafood dish I ever tasted) to having a crazy disco party on the beach in the Garifuna part of the town.

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

As you venture into the streets, you will be hit by the heat and humidity. Tuk-tuks will pass by honking their horns, you will pass the stand where you can get an awesome carrot or banana cake, kids will run on the street and boys looking like they’re 14 will be working in shops, carrying cases of soft drinks freshly delivered to the shops and if you are a girl, no matter your age – asking where you are from with this cheeky smile on their face.

Almost everyone will say good morning or hola. People will smile at you, and police will be standing on the crossroad navigating the traffic. Like it was a New York or something. This place has a very special kind of charm.

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston
Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

If you are looking for this perfect beach destination, a dream-like Caribbean town, waterfront full of stands with coconut water and fancy cocktails and perfect white sand beaches, don’t go to Livingston. But if you are looking for some truly authentic experience, understand more about the Garifuna culture and chill in one of the best waterfront hotels I ever stayed in – you should definitely go to Livingstone.

Things to Do in Livingston, Guatemala.

Visit Siete Altares and Playa Blanca

One of the best things to do in Livingston is visiting Siete Altares and Playa Blanca. You can visit Siete Altares independently, but Playa Blanca can only be reached by boat on an organized tour. If you decide to do the latter, the boat will also stop at the Siete Altares.

Siete Alateres is located around 3 km from the town of Livingston, and it is a series of freshwater pools and waterfalls formed by nature, surrounded by the lush vegetation of the Caribbean coast. Some call it a mini Semuc Champey. After seeing Semuc Champey, I would say that nothing compares to it, but nevertheless, these natural pools are definitely worth a visit while in Livingston. I would say that this is one thing you cannot miss whilst in the town. It is a magical and tranquil place where you can spend a day relaxing and swimming in the refreshing water. You will really appreciate it after a hot and sticky walk around the town.

The best way to get to Siete Altares is to get a tuk-tuk from Livingston town centre for Q5 and ask them to drop you off at the bridge of Quehueche River (el Puente de Quehueche). From there, you continue walking by the beach for around 20 minutes until you will see the sign for Siete Altares. You will have to pay Q20 entry, and from there you can enjoy your day walking along the river and swimming in the pools. The pools close at 4 pm.

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston
Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston
Siete Atares / Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

Playa Blanca is said to be one of the best beaches in Guatemala. It is a private beach that can be only accessed by water, and this is where you will be able to enjoy paradises like white sand and turquoise sea beach. It is a peaceful beach where you can relax, swim in the warm Caribbean sea, play volleyball or enjoy a seafood lunch.

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

To get to Playa Blanca, you will have to arrange a day trip from your hotel. Those trips will include a morning visit to Siete Altares so you can combine both attractions in one day. The trip to Playa Blanca costs Q100, and you should be back in town just after 4 pm. The restaurant on the beach is great but on the pricier side, so pack a lunch if you want to save some coins.

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston
Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

Experience the Garifuna Culture

Livingston is the only place in Guatemala where you will be able to experience the Garifuna culture.

But who are the Garifuna people?

In 1635, two Spanish ships transporting slaves from Nigeria shipwrecked at the shore of St. Vincent. They then mixed with local populations of Arawaks and Caribs, and as a result, a new Garifuna culture merging West African and Caribbean traditions began.

Since the late 18th century, Garifuna were continuously deported and moved first to the island of Roatan in Honduras and then further into the Honduran and Belize coast. Eventually, Garifuna moved from Belize into what is now Guatemala and set up the town of Livingston.

Head to the town and take a walk towards the beach where most of Garifuna live. If you are lucky, you will come across some drummers and dancers.


The best way to find out more, get the real feel of the culture and ask all the questions is to book a walking tour. You will be guided by one of the most famous Garifunas in town, and he will be very happy to tell you all the stories and give you in-depth information. Ask your hotel and they will organise it for you! You can also book a Garifuna cooking class at Rasta Mesa. 

There are tonnes of people offering tours, hair braiding and so on. But I believe that if the younger folks from the community organized themselves a bit better – they would have more chances of winning over the tourism competition. The Rasta Mesa restaurant where you can attend famous Garifuna cooking classes looked very closed from the outside. You can still book a class, but it isn’t marketed at all.

Is Livingston worth visiting? Pros and cons of Guatemala Caribbean town of Livingston

Edit: one of my readers suggested that the Gamboa Place restaurant owned by Garifunas is excellent and very much worth visiting! Apparently, it was the best chicken soup in his life 🙂 Take a walk there and sample their menu. I definitely will on my return! Let me know if you did!

Be Sure to Try the Traditional Topado Dish!

Topado is a delicious seafood soup dish originating from the Caribbean coast of Guatemala, Belize and Honduras. It is made of whatever seafood is available on the day but mostly fish, lobster and shrimp, drenched in yummy coconut sauce and served with rice. It is divine!

The best place to try topado in Livingston is Casa Rosada Hotel but also Buga Mama or Csa Nostra.

Take a Day Trip to Rio Dulce

If you haven’t arrived from Rio Dulce, I highly recommend checking it out! It is a gorgeous river surrounded by tropical vegetation. I took this trip twice and enjoyed it, all the same, both times! The town of Rio Dulce is set on the top of Izabal Lake, and you will find great restaurants and bars on its banks.

The boat ride from Livingston to Rio Dulce costs Q100 one way; therefore, I do recommend making it at least a couple of days trip. You could stay in one of the river hostels like Casa Perico or Hotelito Perdido. Both hostels are beautifully set and offer a true eco-experience, with Hotelito Perdido priding itself on producing its own bread, yoghurt and the best chocolate I have ever tasted! It is a great, rustic and off-grid experience.

If you are visiting this region, I would say that both Livingston and Rio Dulce are must-see!


Where to Stay in Livingston, Guatemala.

One of the best things about Livingston is Hotel Casa Rosada. And I am not saying that only because I have spent a month there. I truly mean it. This hotel is special. Spectacularly set on the bank of the river boasting a great water deck and hammocks and incredible sunrise.

Its loft dorms are fantastic. What better than waking up to all the colours of sunrise and enjoying the ocean view without leaving your bed! The magic of this hotel attracts great travellers, and I made friends with people with whom I stayed in touch for the rest of my trip in Guatemala.

The food there is second to none – but make sure you make a dinner reservation before noon.

Suppose you are looking for an authentic and Garifuna-owned hotel – Garifuna Hotel was highly recommended to me. Conveniently located in the heart of the town, offering air-conditioned rooms and great WiFi. Check it out!

There are a few other popular lodging options in Livingston like Casa Nostra or Casa de la Iguana – but as usual, I’m careful with strong hotel recommendations, this time I am telling you (LOL) – book a loft dorm in Casa Rosada, and you will not regret it!


How to Get to Livingston, Guatemala.

The best way to get to Livingston from Guatemala City is by taking the Litegua bus to Puerto Barrios. This journey can take anywhere between 6 to 9 hours, depending on the traffic and the ticket costs Q125. Once in Puerto Barrios, take a taxi (Q15) to Muelle Municipal (Municipal Dock) and take a boat (lancha) to Livingston for Q50. From there you can take a tuk-tuk to your hotel.

To get to Livingstone from Antigua, you have two options. One is to take a chicken bus to Guatemala City and the Litegua bus to Puerto Barrios. See above ‘How to get to Livingston from Guatemala City’. The second option is to book a direct shuttle which is a little more expensive but definitely faster and will take you directly to Rio Dulce. From there you can take a boat to Livingston for Q100. I used the local company, and it was recommended to me in my hotel. It’s a great and reasonably priced shuttle, and you can contact them at info@riodulcetravel or on their website here to request the price and timetable.

To get to Livingston from Flores, you will have to book a shuttle. There is a way to do it with public buses, but you would have to face multiple changes, very uncomfortable busses and long journey for just a fraction of the savings. Trust me, the only reasonable way of getting to Livingston from Flores is by taking a shuttle. The shuttle will take you to Rio Dulce, and from there, you will be taking a direct boat to Livingston. Book yours from the Los Amigos hostel or any tour company in the town. You should not be paying more than Q175 for a shuttle. A boat from Rio Dulce to Livingston costs Q100. 

To get to Livingston from Rio Dulce, you will have to take a boat from Melle de Rio Dulce directly to Livingston for the price of Q100. The journey lasts a little under half an hour. You can also book it online as GuateGo is now now offering this route.

Is Livingston your last step in Guatemala before moving to Honduras? You are not the only one so let me tell you how to get to the Honduras border from Livingston.

How to Get to Honduras from Livingston by Land

In order to get to Honduras from Livingston, you have two options.

You can travel by the first boat at 5 a.m. from Livingston Muelle Municipal to Puerto Barrios. From there, you will take a chicken bus to Corinto, which leaves in front of the central market in Puerto Barrios, a few meters behind the Litegua bus stop. It is a bumpy ride with many stops, but you are probably familiar with the Guatemalan chicken bus experience by this time.

The other option is to take a private shuttle also from Puerto Barrios. It is more expensive and doesn’t leave every day, but if you have a lot of luggage, this could be a better option than the chicken bus. Ask your hotel reception in Livingston, and everyone should be able to connect you with Roberto – the shuttle owner.

Once you cross the migration and Honduran border, you can take a bus to San Pedro Sula, Cortes or Omoa in Honduras from in front of the border. Change the money on the Guatemalan side as you will need it for the bus, and there is no exchange point once you have crossed the border.

That’s it, folks. Here is the story about Livingston and all the reasons why you should definitely consider visiting. If you were wondering if Livingston is worth a visit, I hope I helped you make up your mind. If you visited, please let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below.
Until then, happy travels!

This post may contain affiliate links which means that if you purchase the product or make a booking via one of my links, I will receive a small commission. Please know that I will never recommend or promote a product I don’t believe in or haven’t used. This way, you are supporting this blog at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

Exploring more of Guatemala?

Be sure you read my other Guatemala posts! My guide to solo travel in Guatemala and a list of the most epic backpacker hostels in Guatemala will help you plan your Guatemala trip

Are you wondering how to spend an amazing time in Antigua Guatemala on a budget? In this article, I will tell you how! 

I hope you are heading towards Lake Atitlan because this place is just magical! Here you will find a complete guide to things to do and towns around Lake Atitlan.

And of course, don’t forget to explore the Tikal National Park!


  1. Shelley Staufer says:

    Hi I am very much interested in this Gamboa Place restaurant and if it is still run By Maria. Our story – 27years ago we visited Livingston Twice on our travels, about 2 weeks each time. The second visit we were married in Maria Gamboas hut ? restaurant/bar establishment. Maria was actually my maid of honour and her brother Elvis was our best man. I’d really like to get in touch with her and touch base if any one has any information, pictures, stories, please reach out to me. Thanks Shelley

    1. patisjourneywithin says:

      Hi Shelley! Unfortunately, I lost contact with a person who could check it for you but I will leave your comment here and If anyone who reads this post ever pops in they might be able to help! Good luck 🙂

  2. Michael J says:

    Hello! Fellow traveler here who’s been to Livingston twice so far. The second time for a bit over a month since I liked it so much the first time. Nice review overall of Livingston I couldn’t agree more that it’s well worth a visit. But I do have a question. Why do you feel it’s necessary for the Garifuna folks to have to entertain tourists in order for people to come and support them? Seems like a problematic thing to suggest in my opinion. I don’t think it’s their job nor should they feel obliged to put on a show for tourists in order to get supported. I went to the restaurant Gamboa Place and had one of the best chicken soups of my life. I appeared to be the only visitor and non Garifuna in the place. I don’t think there is a lack of effort or desire on their part. I believe it’s more of a systemic neglect unfortunately. Also you mentioned a couple of hotels apart from the one you volunteered at but I just wanted to add Hotel Garifuna to the mix as I think it’s also an option that is worthy of people looking into. During my second visit I stayed there and it was a really nice place with owners who make sure you have everything you need. Unfortunately this locally family owned hotel gets overlooked for fancier properties (some of which are owned by Americans i.e. Casa Nostra where I stayed during my first visit to Livingston). Just wanted to add that tidbit!

    1. patisjourneywithin says:

      Hi, Michael thank you for your comment! I’m glad you loved Livingston, I left many great memories there as well!
      And as your question 😉 It is not that I think Garifunas have an obligation; no one has an obligation to promote their culture or entertain tourists. The tourists should visit with respect and make an effort to explore and immerse themselves in the culture. Yet I spoke with one Garifuna who complained that their businesses are not visited, or tourists would rather take a boat trip to Playa Blanca than a tour around Garifuna part of the town. Unfortunately, if you want to treat your heritage as something you might make money from, you need to market it a little. I’m not saying it is correct, but that’s how the world works right now. And no, they don’t need to put up a show if they don’t want to. But I think it would be a great way of displaying their culture to travellers. I appreciate that I arrived shortly after pandemic lockdowns, and many businesses suffered; many restaurants looked closed as well. I will definitely add a mention of Garifuna Hotel to my post 🙂 And I agree that as a part of society, they have been largely marginalised. I think I have mentioned that in the post. Yet the market rules are equal for everyone. If you want your business to thrive, you need to market it somehow. But comments like yours definitely help, and I will include your recommendations as to the hotel and the restaurant you visited in the post. Hopefully, the next traveller that visits and reads my post will contribute to their business 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your travels!

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